Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] us [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The figure of Mercy points to the nature of the redemptive process : Later still , Julian of Norwich , whose mystical experience arose out of meditation on the Passion , defined her sense of a dynamic power of divine love working to process the effects of sin as the work of Christ : " and there is in him bleding and praying for us to the Father — and is and shall be as long as it nedith " .
2 Do n't worry , I 've told the solicitors that are appearing for us on the sixteenth of July that that 's the situation , that the have not joined in all of the partners
3 ‘ One tea , ’ says Ida , appearing beside us at the table , ‘ with eggs , tomatoes , chips and beans . ’
4 Being certainly lost an opportunity by not being it 's only body there is an editing element in the book publishing section from the P G B and there are elements relating to us in the S P G of the Periodical Training Council and there will be bits of them in the public relations in the marketing one of which I 've got a copy of the draft , but you know there is nothing all embracing B T E C do graphics and journalism but there is no single forum , I mean that 's what so astonishing and interestingly somebody at B T E C told me the other day there 's been a bit of a problem about the the book editing part of the editing level three element um , and that 's partly political as to editing versus production because production 's level four and editing is level three , and that has made some problems apparently
5 Here it 's called awareness , in dance call it sensitivity , sensitivity to what is happening around us with the ability to react sometimes at great speed .
6 While Famlio was looking for us near the Fraxilly sector , we 'd be elsewhere .
7 During the day we lay up in the desert , camouflaging ourselves with pieces of hessian sacking against the R.A.F. patrols who were out looking for us from the air .
8 It 's a factual mistake , of course , because er , there are n't in fact deities looking after us in the way there were parents in , in childhood .
9 From our balcony we could see the great Bugis sailing prahus scything past us into the harbour .
10 My maternal grandmother was living with us at the time , it having been decided that her flat in Highgate should be closed down for the duration of the war , and she circulated between the homes of her son and three daughters so that she could be looked after .
11 As far as I was concerned it was a nightmare , and merged in my memory with actually being evacuated ; the kids going down to Ladywell station in a crocodile on one side of the road , clutching oranges and bars of chocolate , and the mothers on the other , weeping and wailing and shouting to us across the street , lots of dwarfs and lots of Snow Whites .
12 Here we have someone shouting at us about the bad effects of the Prozac , they then tell us that have n't taken them .
13 Financially , and for security , the English scene has a bit more going for us at the moment .
14 But after the marriage and the party , when it was time , the brougham was already waiting for us at the front door , I could n't bear to leave .
15 As the years have passed , he 's started waiting for us at the door on visitors ' days .
16 Late in the morning Valeria suggested we should all go down and have breakfast , and as we came down the staircase we saw to our horror that her mother was waiting for us at the bottom .
17 ‘ Sophia will be waiting for us at the vicarage , ’ said Mrs Grandison .
18 The steward was waiting for us at the foot of the steps .
19 Mandeville 's waiting for us in the hall below , talking about God 's vengeance come to judgement . ’
20 Once she has capitulated and goes off to gain her daughter 's assent he switches faces , turning to us in the middle of a line : ‘ Bear her my true love 's kiss ; and so , farewell/Relenting fool , and shallow-changing woman ! ’ ( 431–2 ) .
21 Mother had long since given up remonstrating with us on the need to show respect and reverence towards our aunts , her sisters-in-law .
22 Elinor said , pointing to a figure marching towards us along the riverside .
23 She 's been staying with us over the Christmas holiday . ’
24 After we had been at school for about three years Arnold Hodson , who had been Consul in Southern Abyssinia , was staying with us at the beginning of the holidays .
25 We suggest that , while bicycles may be recognizable by reference to the fact that they are damaged ( as in ( 59 ) ) , we can not easily describe bicycles as belonging to us in the same respect ; nor can we refer to ideas as belonging to you inasmuch as they are " discussed " .
26 At present some think it weak-kneed through lack of characters but Brian , speaking to us in the Belfry , has been talking to possible sponsors .
27 And this is what I think the dream is trying to tell me , a message so clear now you have shown me the way to understand these voices speaking to us from the hinterland , so to speak .
28 Nigel Dudding , you 're speaking to us from the bar at erm Henley Rugby Club , what was the atmosphere there , watching the game ?
29 Tiny green balls of light phosphorescing at us from the dark of the bracken .
30 We left in a strange , silent huff , the women running after us into the street and trying to pull us back inside .
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