Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] him [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The whole of this club is rooting for him and wishing him well , ’ added the comparatively young Liverpool chairman , who admitted to finding his first year in office ‘ a difficult baptism ’ .
2 And what we 're trying to do is to give him this family feeling that everybody behind here , the whole team , every single worker is rooting for him and making sure that he has the best .
3 ‘ Why did n't you do something ? ’ she charged , walking towards him and halting a foot away .
4 The body that had been racked with sobbing was now pressing into him and moving in an altogether different rhythm .
5 Joseph rode slowly from the southern end of the camp , with five warriors walking beside him and leaning against his horse 's flanks .
6 erm James and Alex and Danny laughing at him and thinking he 's funny because they all fancy him
7 The man began laughing at him and said ‘ You need to get here when the doors open — there are lots like you , looking for a roof over their heads .
8 He had told Fahfakhs that the young man wanted to marry Claudia , and perhaps he thought that the district officer was laughing at him and treating him with contempt .
9 Because suddenly he has me ( it 's mad , he kidnapped me ) laughing at him and pouring out his tea , as if I 'm his best girl-friend .
10 She ran into other nearby shops looking for him and asking people if they 'd seen him .
11 ‘ They went out looking for him and reported him missing to the police at 3.30am .
12 Denis returned to his seat , but before he could frame a new approach Josh Cohen started to drum his fingers on the tea-chest , looking about him and nodding his head in a calculating manner .
13 The youngster played a major role in looking after him and ensuring he could be cared for at home .
14 Félicie waited with him for news of the birth , and during the anxious time Modi asked her for advice , knowing that Jeanne was too preoccupied in looking after him and coping with her mother 's often unhelpful interference to look after a new baby alone .
15 Now Peter 's family can get on with looking after him and coping with his illness without worrying about losing their home .
16 His presence made up her mind for her and she turned , brushing past him and heading towards a newspaper vendor who sat shivering behind his stall at the nearby entrance to a Metro station .
17 James Shelley Hamilton described Cagney 's role in The Public Enemy as being that of a vicious , cruel , hard-boiled rat and yet he concluded that we end up sympathizing with him and feeling ‘ that there was something likeable and courageous about the little rat after all ’ .
18 ‘ You 're so lovely , ’ she said , not listening to him but sliding her hands hungrily down his flanks .
19 The 16-year-old boy complained that his mother , who remarried and had three younger sons by her second husband , kept picking on him and ridiculing him .
20 Try to avoid shouting at him or upsetting him emotionally .
21 Maria paused , looking at him and loving him so much it hurt .
22 Obstinately , she remained standing , looking at him and trying to shut down the traitorously receptive part of her that was assimilating the way his formal evening attire enhanced his devastating masculinity .
23 Tony and Stephen had stood back to let their sisters greet Terry , but they were looking at him and waiting eagerly to greet him , oblivious of Frank .
24 he wants , he wants somebody looking at him and saying well
25 His shoulders were tense and there was an air of waiting about him that troubled her .
26 She was waiting for him and ran across the entrance court to meet him .
27 spending an , an evening waiting for him and seeing him
28 I think about going after him and asking him , but I change my mind .
29 She pushed on the door as if for support , turning towards him and settling into her seat again as if that had always been her intention .
30 He said he heard a car engine racing behind him and turned round to see headlights .
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