Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] the next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That Alex Wyllie , the grizzled New Zealand coach , regards this as the All Blacks ' most important tour since the Cup is a tribute not to the Welsh but to the necessity of bringing through the next generation of players .
2 In one respect it is superior , as by staying lower down you will be constantly amazed by the ever changing scenery — higher up the views give you a good idea of the terrain you 'll be walking through the next day .
3 New tales from Toad Hall could be appearing into the next century
4 ‘ He should be landing in the next half-hour , comrade . ’
5 With careful arrangement you can see what is happening in the next room ( with an open dividing door or glass panel ) or behind you or in the hall , even in the garden , thereby extending your range of vision and your range of information .
6 Though I think that that will be happening in the next cycle .
7 Test , er , documenting in the next topic .
8 Whe he has a chest infection you can hear him wheezing from the next room
9 He did suggest , however , ending within the next year the Temporary Provisions — the 42-year-old state of emergency which had superseded the Constitution , enhanced the draconian powers of the presidency and security agencies and frozen in office the mainland-elected members of the various deliberative assemblies pending hypothetical recovery of mainland China .
10 As we were walking to the next hole I tried to think of the right things to say to him , so I said , ‘ Greg , do me a favour .
11 If you use a pattern such as a basic 1x1 pattern ( that 's one hole punched , one hole blank , all across the card and alternating on the next row ) the resulting fabric has very short floats , not floats at all really ( swatch 6 ) .
12 Lambeth Palace Library MS 51 , Peter 's personal manuscript of his Liber Revelationum , is an immense collection of visions relating to the next life , compiled between 1200 and 1206 .
13 Finally he spent an hour from 1630 to 1730 in his office finishing off his paperwork and checking on the next day 's programme .
14 Tell the candidate what is happening at the next stage in the selection and/or the date when you will be letting people know your decision .
15 SCOTTISH teenagers are not amoral hedonists living for the next ecstasy tab .
16 I 'm living alone now and looking for the next relationship , which I hope will be the last one .
17 In the '60s Scottish football was awash with stories of ‘ scouts ’ — the often unpaid enthusiasts who scoured the pitches of school-boy Scotland looking for the next generation of international talent .
18 ‘ Chapman was essentially a designer , an artist , who was always looking for the next design , something different , ’ says Mr Nearn .
19 NEXT loop without passing through the NEXT statement .
20 The ability to lock the rope quickly is also very useful when searching for the next stance , or else in performing diagonal manoeuvres .
21 Yet I keep changing , keep searching for the next challenge .
22 He intends to concentrate on writing for the next year , with a summer break to make an irreverent beginner 's Guide to Opera , co-written with his colleague Paul Whitehouse .
23 On the vidscreen a priest was eulogizing about the next life .
24 And it is my responsibility to make sure the players concentrate over the entire 90 minutes and are not looking towards the next match .
25 From Esterençuby you can press onwards and upwards , towards the frontier , and then either branch right , back into the complex of mountain roads to the west that would take you eventually down again to Arnéguy , or else left , along a narrow , lonely , but not totally nerve-racking road which climbs high up on the north flank of the watershed , before relapsing into the next valley to the east .
26 They looked up at her , and it was clear without anything being said that they were doing their best to cram fifty years of living into the next week or two .
27 Seconds later he was on the phone again , bulling into the next prospect .
28 Here she became involved with people form the BBC Orchestra , as there was a double bass player living in the next room .
29 Twice Michael had lashed out at him and hurt him , only to be contrite and loving in the next breath .
30 This is the Celtic family I have always longed for , complete with live fires , family feuds , squirming freckle-nosed children a-playing in the next room , suggestive sighing and eyeing between the sisters , the indisputable unity created by the sick mother/grandmother in hospital , the indisputable union of songs you always know whether you want to remember them or not .
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