Example sentences of "[v-ing] [art] [noun sg] he have " in BNC.

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1 Osman had recovered from his put-down and seemed bent on recovering the ground he had lost .
2 Before touching the body he had briefly crossed himself .
3 Mr Boyd had escaped to France after the ‘ 45 , had married a French wife , who now lived with him in Aberdeen , and he tried his best to cure the local people using the knowledge he had gained from some medical text-books he found in a house on the island of Arran while on the run .
4 Using the work he had done on the influence of a trauma , on a child under five years of age , and its effects on the later genesis of neurosis , Freud analysed religions as consisting of positive and negative reactions to a trauma which has been forgotten .
5 ‘ Tong Chou , ’ he said , using the pseudonym he had used in the Plantation that time ; knowing that if they checked the records they would find an entry there under that name and a face to match his face .
6 Oddly the thought still writhed within him — the thought of other men using the body he had loved himself , being given wholesale what he had been offered as an inestimable gift .
7 TEENAGER Steven Perry dived into a canal in West Bromwich and saved a drowning youngster — using the kiss-of-life he had seen on the TV series Casualty .
8 Ottar waited patiently , enjoying the reaction he had caused .
9 There was a huge amount of correspondence waiting in his In tray ; a start had to be made on completing the business he had transacted in the States , clients had to be notified , shippers contacted , import permits sorted out .
10 He 'd most likely end up eating the grain he 'd nicked from Mrs Wright for the pheasants .
11 After the funeral , when they were eating the lunch he had arranged at the Black Lion in Wellingham High Street , Sara was approached by Mr. Crowther , Aunt Alicia 's solicitor and senior partner in Crowther , Boon and Crowther , who had been solicitors in Wellingham for three generations .
12 He did n't advise but just stood there , nodding his head vaguely and smiling to himself while his hands — almost involuntarily — went through the motions of twisting the spindle he 'd brought with him and winding on the wool .
13 Revealing the torment he has endured since it was diagnosed , he said : ‘ I do n't want other sufferers to be frightened like I was . ’
14 " I find the afternoon twilight very restful , " Michael Lee said quietly , concentrating on keeping the accent he had perfected to hide his East End slang .
15 And hours after being elected on a mandate of change , Clinton plunged straight into the hard work of weaving the magic he has been promising his people .
16 ‘ That 's the Lennox girl , Steve , ’ said Papa Grimwood , checking the photograph he had obtained from INCUBUS HQ in the West End .
17 Despite the fact that he had not committed himself to the rising until the last moment , he was quickly consolidating the initiative he had taken in Morocco and was emerging as its sole leader .
18 Karelius coped by employing a technique he had first developed at university and perfected in the army : that of chewing and swallowing whilst managing to divorce his mind completely from the organs of taste .
19 Constantine had sponsored the building of a cathedral adjoining a palace he had assigned to the bishop , and of some great memorial churches on the edges of the city .
20 Someone went to commiserate with Harbury and Harbury went to lacerate Riley for announcing an appointment he had no intention of accepting .
21 One reason why the ‘ Other Minds ’ problem was so important for Wittgenstein was because he could not dissolve it without revising the view he had taken on this point when he wrote the Tractatus .
22 — If he got the answers he expected , that Rhoda had kept William Egan 's money in some hiding place and that Roxie had been looking after her brother 's moneybags , and that all three women had been spending what they were supposed to be hoarding , then he knew what was causing the atmosphere he had picked up at Roxie 's house .
23 He 'd stepped out of the house at noon believing the woman he 'd left was devoted to him , and come home five hours later to find the house as it was now .
24 Unable to find the right words , Gina moved her hand impulsively across the table and touched his fingers with her own , unconsciously reciprocating the gesture he had made to her earlier .
25 Remembering the knife he had displayed on our last night in Valladolid , I took fright and denied it .
26 ‘ Something you wrote ? ’ asked Bob , remembering the dialogue he had seen on Morris 's desk .
27 Herr Nordern looked around the table , exuberant , dizzy with happiness , and then , remembering the toast he had been about to make , raised his glass .
28 But still he held back , remembering the mistake he had made before .
29 He was strongly tempted to stay on the train and take his chance but remembering the man he had seen the Railway Police arrest he got off at Lichtenberg and bought a ticket at the machine .
30 Guy grimaced , remembering the way he 'd been treating her .
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