Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The stewardess thought he was weeping for happiness at being free .
2 Then he and Yanek embraced one another , weeping for joy to be together again .
3 Leaping from bed to be done learns nothing of any depth . ’
4 It was during the inter-regnum of 1907 to 1912 , when Lugard was occupied as governor of Hong Kong before returning in triumph to be Governor-General of a united Nigeria , that the Northern Residents seized their opportunity to move collectively into a position of virtually unassailable independence from the central government .
5 Middlesbrough manager Lennie Lawrence also plans changes to his line-up with one alteration already confirmed Andy Peake returning in midfield after being rested for Saturday 's win over Plymouth .
6 Happening by chance to be employed in one of the most notoriously protest-prone university schools in the Western world , I have noticed an extraordinary anomaly in student protest behaviour which I invite my readers to compare with their own experience , which I think they will find quite closely comparable to my own .
7 He continued : ‘ The EC is pushing for aid to be given to the North West as a whole .
8 We invite potential authors to contact the editor , from whom details are also available about a workshop on writing for publication to be held in Manchester on 27 May .
9 It occurs in Henry IV , Part I. Falstaff and the Prince are having a high old time by pretending in turn to be the King chastising Hal for his association with Falstaff .
10 There is no intrinsic benefit gained from paying farmers not to produce food , or from paying for food to be stored and destroyed rather than sold at a fair market price .
11 But whereas the long version refers only to the words in Lamentations 1:12 ( O all ye that pass by the way , attend , and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow ) , the short version incorporates all the references to focus more sharply on the organic relationship between man and Christ whose natural growth is blasted by sin : And only in the short version does the meditator acknowledge this by identifying himself with the penitent thief pleading for pardon to be extended to him , and confessing his failure to acknowledge Christ as the true source of his integrity : In both versions the meditator admits that the very ability to recognise the life-giving power in Christ is a sign that he in fact has the love of God even if he does not feel it : And in both , as the meditator sees his betrayal and sense of deprivation borne by Christ in His words : " My god , my dere god , why hastow al forsakyn me … ( 89. cf.102 ) he imagines himself lying down among the bones of dead men on mount Calvary , taking the foot of the Cross in his arms , the stench of death in his nostrils .
12 The clouds were thickening , tumbling shapes and darker shadings , compressed , threatened , hung over , loomed , waiting for judgement to be called .
13 Alan Dodsworth of Darlington paid over £2,000 in cash to Mr Round last October for a kitchen that was never delivered ; and disabled Ferryhill resident Royston Hunter is still waiting for work to be completed at his home after giving Mr Round £4,180 in November .
14 And disabled Ferryhill resident Royston Hunter is still waiting for work to be completed at his home after giving Mr Round £4,180 in November .
15 Her family is still waiting for justice to be done .
16 Hundreds of families are still waiting for justice to be done .
17 Then comes the fun of making the pattern — and do make sure that the dimensions you are going to work to are for the full pattern and not the kite frame shape .
18 Was n't it hard enough on that poor child to know no parents , to be totally disowned by her relations up in Westlands , to be brought up an orphan in the convent in second-hand clothes , and sent to a secretarial course when she had her heart set on going to university without being mown down by a car on her first week .
19 Find some t , time in each day when you are idle , do n't structure every single part of the twenty four hours , some time when you 're going to sort of be , do nothing .
20 Senator Robert Dole , the Republican leader in the US Senate , went further than most by calling for aid to be diverted to East Europe at the expense of long-standing recipients such as Egypt .
21 Almost 60 Tories have signed two early day motions calling for quality to be as important as money in franchise allocation .
22 He had been moving towards resignation since being routed by Mr Smith in the July leadership election .
23 ‘ It was n't funny at the time , of course , because young people were really getting into trouble for being too westernised ’ , she told me .
24 We had to wait awhile ; the troops there were drilling in preparation for being shipped to some Godforsaken town in the Low Countries to wage one of Fat Henry 's futile , forgotten wars .
25 The horse will misjudge situations , whether they be real or imagined dangers , and be too easily distracted and lacking in concentration to be reliable in competitive or pleasure riding .
26 A 22-year-old man is today recovering in hospital after being shot in the leg in Belfast .
27 A ten year old boy is recovering in hospital after being savaged by his neighbour 's dog .
28 A sub-postmaster is recovering in hospital after being pistol whipped by a would-be robber .
29 A NINE-YEAR-OLD girl is recovering in hospital after being struck by a car near the North-East coast at the weekend .
30 Vinoba in his pilgrimages around India asking for land to be distributed to the poor said , ‘ I myself went one day to the temple of Deogar , but the priests beat me because I brought my brothers , the pariahs ( outcastes ) there .
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