Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 ( A favourite way of disposing of demons is the same trick as is used to deal with miracles : assign them to the New Testament era , where they can do no harm or cause any embarrassment . )
2 Books , horses and a garden brimming with flowers are the lasting impressions of Lavender Cottage .
3 She was killing two birds with one stone , she thought cheerfully : she really did feel sorry for Veronica , and keeping in touch was the only way she 'd find out more about the woman 's relationship with her husband .
4 Reforming in faith is the fundamental starting-point for those concerned with the heritage of health ; reforming in feeling is the highest state in this life that a soul may come to , but the climb towards it is gradual .
5 Reforming in faith is the fundamental starting-point for those concerned with the heritage of health ; reforming in feeling is the highest state in this life that a soul may come to , but the climb towards it is gradual .
6 Under English law this is not straightforwardly a requirement , since one of the cornerstones of the law relating to inheritance is the principle testamentary freedom — the right of each individual to dispose of their assets as they wish .
7 At the centre of its responsibilities relating to museums is the Direction des Musées de France , and Réunion des Musées Nationaux ( see opposite ) .
8 One of the more controversial obligations relating to margin is the requirement that a firm must close out a customer 's open position where he fails to meet a margin call after a period of five business days .
9 Returning to Plumford was the last thing that Peter intended to do .
10 A useful way of developing creative thinking and one which can be of great benefit when you are studying and looking for inspiration is the technique of key words or key terms .
11 For Belinda , looking after Sophie was the only way she knew how to deal with the shock .
12 THE effects of heavy industry on the health of people living in Teesside is the subject of a major study starting tomorrow .
13 He adds that ‘ There is little doubt that here existed a town in the time of the Britons ’ and a settlement grew around the Druidic university which according to Peck was the ancient British city of Doorebriff , meaning ‘ sharp stream ’ .
14 Er , to answer your question , really we need to remind ourselves what 's , what according to Freud is the function of dreams ?
15 Equally damaging to Collor was the claim to the federal police by an Argentine drug trafficker linked to the Colombian Medellín cartel , that he had used one of Farias 's aircraft to supply acetone and ether to Bolivia , Colombia and Paraguay , returning with refined cocaine and coca paste .
16 I subsequently established from Mr. Docherty 's mother that the other factor preventing him from living at home was the fact that his presence would have had an impact on the family 's eligibility for housing benefit and would have resulted in additional poll tax liability which the family simply could not meet .
17 He also knew that shouting at Lennie was the only way to make him understand .
18 It seems to me that this way of looking at things is the only one which allows us to understand the validity of the second law , and the heat death of each individual world , without invoking a unidimensional change of the entire universe from a definite initial state to a final state . ’
19 Although communicating by touch is the most primitive mode , there are culturally determined touching patterns for adults .
20 The research did n't explore the sorts of relationships that parents wanted but it 's a pretty safe guess that they wanted teachers that did n't shout ; the Newsons ( 1984 ) reported that shouting by teachers was the major complaint which mothers made on behalf of their eleven-year-olds .
21 Indeed , the desire to eliminate uncertainty and human judgement is now so extensive that as Noble pointed out recently : " Designing for idiots is the highest expression of the engineering art " .
22 Wh wh what I remember going through policy is the fact that we wanted to employ us Environment Officer with some clerical support , and I think that that 's actually what went to policy .
23 The deeper problem for doctors going into research is the antiscience culture that runs deeper in medicine than many would care to admit .
24 Fixing into wood is the easiest method , therefore fitting to the window frame should not present any problem provided the depth of the frame is deep enough to take the track brackets .
25 Going to church is the only chance I get of singing — well , with accompaniment anyway . ’
26 ‘ The organisation of football in this country is such a shambles that sometimes I think going to law is the only way to get anything done . ’
27 Proponents of this system and of STV argue that the effect would be a representative House of Commons , the proportion of seats going to parties being the same as the proportion of the votes won in the election .
28 Adding minus N is the same as subtracting N adding the minus number is the same as subtracting it .
29 Racing on sunday are the grasstrackers … its the South Midlands Championship at Aylesbury …
30 Cattle stealing for ransom was the most common form in many districts .
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