Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun] [conj] you " in BNC.

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1 You 'll be weeping about Lucy when you 're fifty and fat . ’
2 Whether you are out of work and applying for a lot of jobs , or in employment but looking to change , there is only any point in applying for positions where you have a real chance of being successful .
3 We could all have rivers brimming with salmon if you wish .
4 In a sense his experience supports his theory , but also mocks it , for the ability to perceive what is happening in London when you are in Oxford is not true spiritual knowledge .
5 The same is true of the health service , the more the private health educa the pri private health welfare comes in , the less chance there is of people who are , who are articulate and people who count in British society start speaking up with the rest of us and saying come on we we 've got a common interest and a common stake in this service and we want the best po for for everybody and the same will start happening in housing if you get your way .
6 For the man or woman in the fast lane , keeping in touch while you 're on the move is safer and simpler than ever before with the new British Telecom 's Azure cellphone .
7 ‘ You read about this sort of thing happening to others but you never think it 's going to happen to you . ’
8 Returning to work before you are fit could infect others and delay your recovery .
9 ‘ Yes , ’ she murmured , and then , because it was all too painful , she muttured , ‘ Did you say something about dressing for dinner when you woke me up . ’
10 After that , he merely sat , smoking Woodbines and idly listening to Music While You Work on the radio .
11 That 's it yeah , it 's not very easy walking around looking at things when you 've got the kids tagging along with you
12 If you embark on using someone as your detective who is immensely superior to yourself either intellectually or in the social scale ( and by that I do not mean any conventional listing of dukes , earls , barons and honourables ) you will be heading for trouble when you try to have the sort of insights for them that they would naturally have .
13 The , the direct debits that you 've been paying for years but you 're not sure where they go to , that sort of thing ?
14 But that means waiting for years before you can get part of your investment back , and your ex-wife will be faced with finding a new place with limited funds .
15 Can you help out ? he 's paying in gold and you can melt it down and make a new battleaxe that will never go rusty .
16 If you were going on holiday before you went you 'd probably have to .
17 As that , yeah that 's what I said , I said , they have to go in a yellow book if they 're really naughty which he has n't done yet and then they have to go to Mrs so I said well you 'll be going to Mrs if you do n't
18 So , save a lot of things going to areas that you might do different then .
19 I believe in going to bed when you are really tired , not when you think you should .
20 ‘ I wonder why you keep going to sea when you know it 's dangerous ’ ( quoted by B. J. Wagner , 1976 , p. 59 ) , muses Mrs. Heathcote to a class of children who are into a drama about pirates — and she from then on carries at the back of her mind the possibility that through the subsequent experience these children might understand something of what drives people to face dangers .
21 Well where you are going to sleep if you do n't sleep
22 This does not involve going to Court and you remain free to remove your child at any time ( although it is best to do this by arrangement ) .
23 Being afraid of going to hell after you die is one .
24 But if and when you do want something else , going to college when you are older and when you positively want to go , can be a very different and more satisfying experience than being at school .
25 By using this facility it is possible to create a totally new garment simply by combining pieces from other garments , providing of course that you remember to make any necessary alterations to ensure that the pieces will fit together correctly !
26 What happened to your keep fit classes speaking of tapes cos you had some tapes of keep fit ?
27 If you 're not already using some form of contraceptive , you 'd better see to it , although normally I 'd agree that it 's a joint responsibility , since it seems that I 'm so atrociously lacking in control where you 're concerned … damn you , Maria . ’
28 ‘ I realise you lack experience , Seb , but you 're not lacking in ambition and you 're eager to learn .
29 You will not be at ease speaking in court if you are conscious of defects in this respect .
30 ‘ You 'll be staying in Plumford while you make up your mind ? ’
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