Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adj] with [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Omar said that just as the crowd was becoming angry with impatience in the hot sun a young woman of about twenty-five years of age was roughly pulled out of a police car .
2 As Smeaton gradually retired , Jessop came to be regarded as ‘ the first engineer of the kingdom ’ , becoming overloaded with work during the canal mania of the 1790s .
3 Rapid acceleration gave pilots a false nose-up sense and they were correcting this with nose-down on the flying controls and flying into the ground .
4 Robyn felt herself growing warm with resentment of his rudeness , mingled with the consciousness that her own conduct had not been entirely blameless .
5 And look at her … turning soft with admiration for a man who cared for nothing but his ambition .
6 Some sick part of my mind suddenly thought of fried eggs lying thick with grease on a plate , surrounded with bacon , curled and scooped and holding little pools of fat , the outsides of the plate dotted with coagulated lumps Gf grease .
7 This has caused great alarm among the young men in the western half of the city , many of whom moved to Berlin to avoid going insane with boredom in a Bundeswehr barracks .
8 Silvicultural management has been practised since the 1920s , beginning first with regulation of the telling cycle and then the stimulation of natural regeneration by cutting climbers , removing uneconomic species and canopy thinning in the 1930s , as has been described by Kio and Ekwebelam ( 1987 ) .
9 Differentiating this with respect to φ and cancelling a factor , we obtain .
10 The principal objective of the research is to utilise an examination of the policy making and policy implementation process relating to the telecommunications sectors as a focal device for assessing the nature of Japanese government-industry relations ( GIR ) and comparing this with process in the UK .
11 At 11 p.m. on the night of June 18 , when Edward was sitting bog-eyed with weariness in the small metal box that served him as a cabin , Foley sought him out .
12 Six months to get Hoomey jumping Bones … watching him , Nutty saw the very rawest of raw beginners , sitting pop-eyed with excitement on a pony quiet enough to put your great-grandmother on .
13 Eager to hound down deals with users of the major databases , the company is laying low with Accell/TP on its Unify 2000 database for the time being .
14 City : Attalli 's new order of things — one year on Frank Kane finds a Frenchman in the Anglo-Saxon world of banking pleased with progress at the institution he helped to found to rebuild the East
15 She wrote letters all day , floated around on a lilac cloud , heart beating scarlet with desire for Astrid and the tingling delight of waiting for when she would return .
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