Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adj] [is] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 right er it 's unusual that knocking that is n't it ?
2 Oh he 's pushing hard is n't he ?
3 Yeah that tub of daffs is really erm looking good is n't it ?
4 The garden 's looking better is n't it ?
5 Well that 's what I was wondering that 's why I said go out into fresh air , in the hopes that they might shake off the bug I do n't think it works like that , do you ?
6 Downswing This is where your body is at impact of you top the ball .
7 Yeah well of course it 's bureaucracy going barmy is n't it ?
8 She 's getting low is n't she ?
9 Weather 's getting better is n't it ?
10 Cos the window closed , that 's why it 's getting colder is n't it , cos you 've got your window closed .
11 It 's getting colder in n it ?
12 That 's Alan Sugar doing that is n't it ?
13 That 's like your brother , he 's doing Spanish is n't he ?
14 I 'm not starting I 'm just saying that 's when they smell most when you get near fire .
15 ‘ Are you saying that 's why you do n't want to take Silvia on ?
16 ‘ Are you saying that 's why my mother ran away from here — because she was loved too much ? ’
17 erm and but what is he striding out there in front of people saying this is where I see the vision for the country leading us .
18 Which is why I think the government is authoritarian , why you have secret police and gulags and so on , because they ca n't afford to tolerate large numbers of people saying this is n't what the revolution was supposed to be about .
19 Or is he saying , you know is he saying this is how I found religions to thrive , you know or
20 It 's blowing high is n't it , shirts on the line .
21 Still I suppose the time 's it 's the actual the calendar 's starting to tick for having this is n't it now .
22 He 's doing alright is n't he ?
23 I 'm counting , I 'm counting five is n't it silly they put on there one point five quarts ?
24 Dissolving that 's how it can be effec that may do the writing a piece of poetry , I 've got a little poem written down .
25 It 's also making clear is n't it , as well ?
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