Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adj] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Others who have been home for a few months come in feeling as if their brains are becoming addled and wanting something to do .
2 Blanche realises that she is becoming old and seeks someone who can offer her stability .
3 I have to work at keeping slim and limit my favourite food , a Cuban recipe of fried bananas !
4 Instead of having to stand on his head , he is runing hard and pushing his shoulder to the wheel because , of course , he is a member of the No Turning Back group .
5 Another helping organisation , the Family Welfare Association ( address on page 146 ) has produced Keeping Fit While Caring which contains a step-by-step guide to lifting without injury and other hints .
6 He realised he was in danger of appearing rude and dragged his attention back to present matters .
7 His own mother had been , and to some extent remained , an intrusive presence in his life , and he had started to shut her out by keeping busy and doing everything for himself .
8 6 Avoid becoming overweight and limit your intake of fatty foods
9 He confessed that the monetary rewards are becoming obscene but feels it is worth risking ‘ burn-out ’ to secure his financial future .
10 Inland Revenue booklets which could be helpful , especially if you are interested in the possibility of becoming self-employed or starting your own business include :
11 Er and er well it 's not just one innovative idea er it 's just innovative idea after idea er which is encouraging because it er means that the company is not resting on its laurels er having found an avenue and an opportunity they do n't seem to be content just to sit expanding and developing that and doing nothing else .
12 Although minerals are only present in minute quantities it 's worth remembering that when choosing your water .
13 Last but not least the two Gary 's in midfield have been brilliant — Mac looking assured and displaying his talents for all to see — he has really blossomed when Strach 's not been playing and Speedy has scored some important goals and displayed his prowess at getting forward .
14 Surely you are saving these and taking them to FOE , Whitehouse Road .
15 The majority of present-day carers are married , although many in this bracket are living alone and supporting themselves and possibly a family too .
16 Liz Taylor was there , looking beautiful and flashing her much publicised diamonds .
17 Every room in the house contained some form of Bible and I took up a large ancient looking one and opened it as if it had been a door into a cave .
18 She came in looking aggressive and clutching her massive black handbag with the brass clasp .
19 Avoiding trouble in self-defence terms does not mean lying low and limiting your lifestyle .
20 The Young Disciples , ‘ talkin' loud and sayin' something
21 If America has indeed ruptured its soul tradition with a sanitized , easy listening — dare I say it — imitation soul , it seems ironic , but nonetheless welcome , that tomorrow 's soul legends may hail from Britain 's musical melting pot — where the young bloods are , to misquote James Brown , ‘ talkin' loud and sayin' something ’ .
22 I ca n't tell you who to love , or how to love : those school courses would be how-not-not-to as much as how-to classes ( it 's like creative writing — you ca n't teach them how to write or what to write , only usefully point out where they 're going wrong and save them time ) .
23 I 'd get a brand new keyboard and Dad would have to make do with an old car — one that was always going wrong and making him embarrassed in front of his friends .
24 That her mother was just an ordinary woman , charmed at first by Jake 's queer ways , but then growing bored and leaving him ?
25 He discovered quickly that he could lessen his discomfort by lying still and keeping his breathing shallow .
26 ‘ Doubt is the courtesy of the intellect , ’ Edward said , sounding irritable and throwing his voice like a cat .
27 Hudson 's operatic visual style is peculiarly ill-suited to the subject matter , rendering arty and distanced what needs to be hard-edged and immediate .
28 Eventually , as much for hygienic reasons as out of a desire to conform with Moscow 's example of de-Stalinization , the Czechs were forced to give up the battle to keep Gottwald 's corpse from going green and bury him instead .
29 I wish it was yesterday , I wish I was just climbing over the rocks in dear comfortable Mrs McPhee who does n't mind getting wet and lets me breathe — ’
30 He frowned when reporting this and said it was not good that she should be so hard .
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