Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adj] [pron] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the face of it , this was an illogical statement , but by becoming anorexic I refuted logic .
2 Thus the existence of coalition served to divide the collective leadership by separating those who had power and influence from those who did not , by separating the senior men from their junior colleagues and by cutting off those under the Prime Minister 's influence from the rest .
3 ‘ So it 's like a jelly that 's always getting bigger you said space was like a jelly — an invisible one , remember ?
4 The insurance men were willing to admit that the safe driver is subsidising those who have accidents .
5 But , when you 're doing that you make assessment at the end of it to say what level you have , you 've got to target specifically at certain things .
6 she was saying that you know mother is very evil and wicked .
7 see learning all them see Elsa
8 Alan Smith had just been appointed editor and was about to change the whole face of the paper , ditching those who revered Cilla as the greatest swinger on the block .
9 Although making clear it preferred Mr Major to Mr Kinnock , it concluded by giving its backing — just — to a vote for the Labour Party .
10 What I thought we might do is to explore this phenomenon a little further , just the two of us together , but making sure we take things very carefully all the time . ’
11 Arranging the interview in an organized fashion , and making sure it takes place in relaxing circumstances , are very important if you are to see the candidates at their best and so be able to make a well-informed decision .
12 This involves giving legal advice to ministers and implementing government decisions , as well as prosecuting those who contravene regulations .
13 Avoiding those which formed part of her father 's collection of naked Indian or Japanese bodies locked together in unusually gymnastic postures , she had , throughout her childhood , stuck to the Italian schools of painting .
14 Following this they release blood into their eyes which turns them a dull red colour .
15 Countering those who painted wealth as selfishness , she said only by creating wealth could poverty be relieved .
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