Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adj] [adj] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And of course Oxford supporters do n't need reminding that last season they led Fulham 1-0 after the first leg and they lost 5-3 at home .
2 You may have suspected something when you caught me using that heavenly perfume you bought for Mummy 's birthday .
3 The way she did her mother was the best , though , catching that tiny lisp she had and the way her English was just a little bit awkward .
4 But without political institutions enjoying some real power it is difficult to have political conflict or political life in any but a very narrow sense of the term .
5 Then , using some ancient formula he had recovered , he injected the concentrate he obtained back into their veins .
6 I mean to my mind if they 're opening on a Sunday they should bring their prices down because they 're opening that extra day they 're going to be taking extra revenue .
7 Furthermore , in explaining that discretionary decision he said :
8 Far from condemning this local authority I hold that they behaved properly and that their exercise of their difficult statutory role was properly performed .
9 By adopting this methodical approach you should avoid the pitfalls and successfully answer any questions set on this subject .
10 Adopting this new approach they would know , for the court which investigated the dispute would tell them .
11 Without understanding this philosophical background it is difficult to appreciate the distinctiveness of Oakeshott 's critique of rationalism .
12 To help us in understanding this basic theme I have chosen to examine Professor Hayek 's monumental defence of the market economy , Law , Legislation and Liberty .
13 By applying these two principles you will quickly see how unconscious so many of us are as we go about our day-to-day lives .
14 As a way of understanding these linked themes we have argued for an increased emphasis on ‘ the expressive order ’ : the understandings , interpretations and theories which people have of their social world and the way it is changing .
15 By adopting various graphological forms I hoped to fool the editors to whom I submitted my poems with a covering note , often under a false name .
16 North-East football joined in the celebrations with Newcastle United victorious at Leicester City ending any lingering doubts they might drop into the Third Division for the first time in their illustrious history .
17 Utilising certain basic contradictions we must pose this essential situation to the people as a problem which challenges them and requires a response , not just at the intellectual level , but at the level of action .
18 Will she be splashing that arctic fox she wore
19 By addressing this broad issue it would be possible to develop a better understanding of what community economic development was about .
20 Er not defining this particular document you find elsewhere , the most important roads are I hope you will agree the roads where the traffic volume the traffic
21 As well as developing these national awards we have been working with a number of employers and other organisations to develop awards which are tailored to their individual needs .
22 In writing these biblical guidelines I have had beside me a list of ten non-negotiables for a church planter as taught by the Vineyard Christian Fellowship .
23 While urging rapid constitutional reform they concluded : ‘ We have no reason to suppose that power in the hands of a small literate minority will not be used to exploit the illiterate majority . ’
24 I suppose I was remembering all those tests I had so long ago , all those nasty little operations — ’ Irene broke off , looking intently into her cup of coffee , as if it were to blame .
25 For suddenly she was remembering those enigmatic remarks he 'd made , which she 'd paid barely any heed to at the time .
26 John came to the Palace in March 1988 from Crewe Alexandra for a £60,000 fee and , while capable of filling several defensive roles it was as our right- or left-back that he featured regularly , although always wearing number two , so that he was undoubtedly among manager Steve Coppell 's most astute signings .
27 Before considering the automatic directions , it is as well to remember that ( although they will be sufficient in most instances ) they are only the bare bones of the directions the parties may need in a personal injury case , and do not prevent the parties seeking any further directions they may need under Ord 25 whether set out in PF51 or not .
28 He is clearly desperate to fit in , something which turned the renovations into an architectural method trip , with the actor flying back from film shoots to hassle the builders about saving any historical detail they could , no matter how trivial , so that the building retained its local character .
29 Glasgow is no exception , except , unlike other cities , once they started building these concrete jungles they forgot to stop .
30 Erm and people had been paying insurance i it changed then cos some of the farmers could go on their pension they 'd been paying this new scheme you see .
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