Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The scheme has already been dubbed the ‘ M12 ’ and a Stop the M12 action group has been formed , drawing support from many villages south of Chelmsford .
2 The final design and location of the junction between the Outer City Bypass and the trunk road section of the Musselburgh Bypass are matters to be considered jointly by the Regional Council and the Scottish Development Department when finalising proposals for these schemes .
3 This , the Institute stresses , remains a core requirement , but in recognition of the difficulties of separating accounting from auditing experience in many assignments , the two functions have been linked for qualification purposes .
4 In order to avoid bias , we did two different meta-analyses , one using data for all patients in the trial , a second using data for the UK patients .
5 However , a number of other authors ( for example , Alberro , 1981 ; Kormendi and Meguire , 1984 ) have employed something like the Lucas approach using data from more countries , and have generally found much the same result as that reported in Lucas .
6 Heseltine 's campaign team , having been canvassing backbenchers for several weeks , had already developed a considerable momentum .
7 Table II shows the EGF binding parameters of these membranes .
8 If shares are priced accurately then the market will be allocatively efficient in terms of channelling funds towards those companies that are the most productive .
9 SSAP20 Foreign currency translation refers to the potential distortions caused by hyper-inflation when incorporating operations in such economies into consolidated accounts .
10 They agreed in principle to draw up an " Agreement on Reconciliation , Non-Aggression and Co-operation and Exchange Between the North and the South " , incorporating proposals from both sides on signing a non-aggression declaration , measures for reconciliation and the promotion of exchanges and economic co-operation .
11 Inquire locally at the tourist office of Winterthur for opening times of these castles , as they are likely to be subject to variation from time to time .
12 Casework usually involves added complexity and the opinion is gaining credence in some circles that it is almost impossible to gain sufficient experience to become proficient unless one spends two whole days a week in a bureau .
13 There are sites in Harrogate that erm could be lost to employment use and that we 'd want to make compensating provision for those sites over and above the ninety hectares .
14 Erm We have n't I do n't think got minutes of the previous , I do n't think we were keeping minutes of these meetings .
15 ‘ Britain has consistently made significant contributions to United Nations peacekeeping operations in many parts of the world , ’ he said .
16 The widespread practice , therefore , of delaying investigations in those children with very short stature for six or 12 months in order to estimate velocity is of no value .
17 Initial training in applying labels to these stimuli did not influence test performance , and this prompted Robinson ( 1955 ) to suggest that pre-training might be ineffective when the test task is ‘ perceptual , rather than ‘ motor ’ .
18 The authors have taken the basic concepts of keeping cichlids of all sizes and often adapted them to suit the best requirements of the species being kept .
19 The comparative method in sociology will be discussed in chapter 3 , but essentially consists of the sociologist assembling data about several societies or social contexts and comparing them with each other , with the intention of explaining the causes of any variations .
20 Even in the years immediately following the Second World War , when its manufacturing capacity was weak by any standards , the UK 's net exports of manufactured goods ( the surplus of sales of manufactures after deducting imports of such goods ) was 8.6 per cent of the country 's output ( GDP ) while net imports of primary products were 11.4 per cent of GDP .
21 He pointed across the room to a slim lad wearing jeans and a T-shirt and potting balls from all angles .
22 Trading conditions in many countries were extremely difficult last year , but both spirits and beers increased their trading profits .
23 After initially denying knowledge of any kickbacks paid by Fiat to win public-sector contracts in Italy , Cesare Romiti , the firm 's managing director , is now under formal investigation for corruption and illicit financing of political parties .
24 The commission is also expected to ban the university from becoming custodian of any artworks gifted to the nation in lieu of tax if it proceeds with a sale .
25 As a consequence there is considerable scope for " basis trading " on the interest rate differential by simultaneously adopting positions in both contracts .
26 Movements of base level are of the utmost importance in understanding landforms in most parts of the world , for the earth 's surface is in an unstable period of its history .
27 It is by no means the first time that there has been unacceptable , totally unsporting behaviour along such lines in that part of the world .
28 we had er we had a candidate 's committee meeting last night , in which we were concerned that a number of the other constituencies throughout the northwest , who were not as far progressed as erm er as Greater Manchester West , and we took it upon ourselves to erm When appointing returning officers to those constituencies , to recommend to those returning officers that the people guiding Manchester Central , Merseyside East , Merseyside West , whoever they may be , contact John er for advice on how to how to run the er how to run the election .
29 Immediately following the invasion governments around the world had acted to freeze Kuwait 's foreign assets ( estimated at US$100,000 million ) to prevent Iraq gaining control of these funds .
30 There is anchoring space in both harbours , even during the most popular events such as Race week and Charter Agents week .
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