Example sentences of "[num] would have [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 A mere 84 votes spread over three marginal constituencies — Brighton Kemptown ( Lab majority seven ) , Ealing North ( 27 ) and Wellingborough ( 47 ) — in 1964 would have blocked the Wilson Government .
2 At the Council of Bari in October 1098 , Anselm delivered the main speech , and — according to Eadmer — Urban II would have excommunicated the king at the Council , but Anselm pleaded for him .
3 If the equality constraint to be added had been then just replacing the RHS of C with 4 would have changed the resource column entry in row ( b ) of P1/T1 to no pivoting would take place .
4 Ohka 33 would have had the endurance to permit a second or third attempt should the first death-dive have been miscalculated .
5 Christie 's said Elizabeth I would have commissioned the map around 1581 .
6 New funding arrangements due for introduction on April 1 would have reduced the subsidy and given dentists an effective pay cut of up to 13.8pc .
7 The four-fold hike in oil prices in 1973 would have devastated the world economy had inflation not come to the rescue of western consumers by reducing the real burden of dearer oil .
8 Those two would have filled the entire chart but compilers restricted the number of soaps on the list .
9 The attentive listener present at the English coronation of Henry VI in 1429 would have heard the young king being exhorted to avenge injustices ( ‘ ulciscaris iniusta ’ ) and to be ‘ the powerful defender of his country … triumphant over the enemy ’ ( ‘ sit fortissimus protector patrie … triumphator hostium ’ ) .
10 To this day it is the Industrial and Provident Societies Act ; and none in 1852 would have denied the need to encourage the working classes to provide for themselves .
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