Example sentences of "[num] were [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Of these , 371,000 were thought to be Protestant , 271,000 Catholic and 5,000 Jews .
2 p Values of below 0.05 were considered to be statistically significant .
3 This product was subsequently found to be prostaglandin H 2 and the unstable endoperoxides prostaglandin G 2 and prostaglandin H 2 were found to be released during platelet aggregation ( Hamberg et al , 1974 ) .
4 Similarly , following acute ligation of the coronary artery in dogs , high levels of thromboxane B 2 were found to be associated with cardiac arrhythmias ( Coker et al , 1981 ) .
5 Untranslated sequences upstream of the coding regions 1 and 2 were found to be unrelated , and attempts to identify transcripts that contain linked 1 and 2 sequences by library screening or through RT-PCR experiments were unsuccessful ( data not shown ) .
6 Out of some 50,000,000 deaths worldwide in 1990 46,500,000 were estimated to be directly associated with disease .
7 The same day the USA was reported to have extended its food airlift to the town of Baidoa , where hundreds were said to be dying from starvation each day .
8 In a recent ‘ Out On Tuesday ’ programme on Channel 4 , Susan Hemmings observed how , in Britain , feminist lesbians in the seventies were expected to be attracted to a woman on the basis of her ideas rather than her appearance .
9 On the outbreak of war the Iraqi army , including recalled reservists , numbered some 955,000 , of whom 620,000 were estimated to be committed to the Kuwaiti theatre of operations ( however , post-war evaluation called seriously into question initial Western intelligence estimates and it was suggested that the figure was nearer 300,000 ) .
10 All three were said to be in a critical condition last night .
11 The amount of industrial waste imported into Britain has multiplied dramatically in the last six years : in 1986/87 some 183,000 tonnes of waste were imported into Britain for treatment or incineration , of which 53,000 were considered to be hazardous .
12 Non-specific changes were seen in 27 ( 0.5% ) ; new changes of possible myocardial ischaemia occurred in 10 ( 0.2% ) and 5 were believed to be related to sumatriptan ( 0.1% ) .
13 At a news conference on May 5 a member of the Cuban Communist Party political bureau , Carlos Lage Dávila , stated that projected imports for 1992 were expected to be 58 per cent down on 1991 and that imported fuel would total 6,000,000 tonnes compared with the previous " usual " annual figure of 13,300,000 tonnes .
14 On July 29 a Croatian report cited figures from the Bosnian health centre that to date 8,018 had been killed in the fighting and 100,000 were said to be in " concentration camps " , reports of which remained unconfirmed .
15 On 12 July 1330 , during the last months of their rule , the perambulations made during the reigns of Edward I and Edward 11 were ordered to be observed in every particular , and the Forest officers in Shropshire were forbidden to take any action against the owners of lands within the disafforested districts who had taken the deer or cut timber there .
16 ‘ Live At Leeds ’ is therefore one of the first ‘ back-to-roots ’ live albums ( witness subsequent efforts like ‘ The Song Remains The Same ’ and ‘ Rattle And Hum ’ ) , as well as a taster for how grossly ugly the '70s were going to be .
17 Most of the mergers actually referred to the MMC were found to be against the public interest , and the effects of the legislation went beyond the cases actually referred .
18 Another five were said to be ‘ very poorly ’ after being transferred to a hospital specialising in infectious diseases .
19 None of them was seen as capable of safely preparing a meal ; seven would wander away from home if not watched ; four were substantially incontinent ; five were thought to be at risk with gas or fires ; six were physically frail or had mobility difficulties .
20 One in five were found to be under twenty and ‘ a quarter of all teenagers in the labour force work on a temporary basis ’ ( B. Casey , ‘ The extent and nature of temporary employment in Great Britain ’ , Policy Studies , vol .
21 The eight were reported to be well- equipped but had no overnight gear .
22 Women over 60 were discovered to be especially vulnerable .
23 Britain and two were believed to be new to science .
24 On July 26 the two were ordered to be retried after a mistrial was declared .
25 Aberystwyth lifeboat secretary David Jenkins said one of the missing men was wearing a wetsuit but the other two were thought to be wearing shirts .
26 On 67 per cent of the farms there was no primary school , and only 5 per cent had adult literacy classes , of which only one-third were judged to be satisfactory .
27 In a first phase , in the 12 months starting in June 1992 , loans worth some $2,500 million were expected to be provided for essential imports .
28 Of the aircraft to be supplied 48 were reported to be the most advanced version , the F-15E Strike Eagle — never before exported — although with slightly downgraded navigational and weapons systems .
29 On Nov. 22 government spokesperson Yuan Mu said that China 's foreign debt stood at $44,000 million , and overall repayments for 1990 were estimated to be within the target $7,000-$8,000 million .
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