Example sentences of "[num] and [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One major American aim at the conference had been to limit the power of the Japanese , who since their victories over China in 1895 and over Russia in 1905 , had made increasing demands on China .
2 The Dutch Souterliedekens with tunes only were published at Antwerp in 1540 and in England during the same period Miles Coverdale brought out his Goostly psalmes and spirituall songes , also with tunes only ( c. 1543 ) , while Francis Seagar 's selection of 19 Certayne Psalmes ( London , 1553 ) are all accommodated to two four-part compositions .
3 Diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level were established with the Soviet Union on Sept. 28 , 1990 , with Czechoslovakia on Oct. 12 and with Iran in December .
4 For instance , anti-realism is discussed in chapter 1 and recurs in chapter 9 ; anti-realist approaches to perception are discussed in chapters 10 and 11 , to memory in chapter 12 and to induction in chapter 13 .
5 On the other hand Edward II tried in vain to get Robert Baldock provided to Lichfield in 1321 , to Winchester in 1323 and to Norwich in 1325 ; Baldock never did become a bishop .
6 Local government was reformed in england and Wales in 1972 and in Scotland in 1973 .
7 Financial , as opposed to commodity , futures were innovated in currencies by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange ( CME ) in 1972 and in bonds by the Chicago Board of Trade ( CBOT ) in 1976 .
8 September 1990 also saw the prescribed ATs and PS for the core subjects in the first year of key stage 2 and for English in the first year of key stage 3 brought into effect .
9 Rallies in Vlore on Sept. 2 and in Shkoder on Sept. 13 were organized by the DP in alliance with the other parties , and on Sept. 7 supporters of the three parties protested outside the Tirana headquarters of Albania Radio-TV , asking for the dismissal of " leading cadres " and an end to " Stalinist censorship " of news reports .
10 The Sun in your own birth sign is challenged by Neptune on October 2 and by Jupiter on the 3rd .
11 He was a JP in Oxfordshire , Northamptonshire , Lincolnshire , and the Isle of Ely , and he sat in four sessions of Parliament : for Poole in 1571 and for Dorchester in 1572 , 1576 , and 1581 , boroughs in which Francis Russell , second Earl of Bedford [ q.v. ] , had a commanding interest .
12 Participants from England were found at tournaments in northern France and the Low Countries — at Compiègne in 1278 and at Mons in 1310 .
13 He acquiesced in the papal preferment of Kilwardby and Pecham to Canterbury instead of his own candidate , chancellor and friend , Robert Burnell ; he tried again to intrude Burnell into Canterbury in 1278 and into Winchester in 1280 , on each occasion yielding to the pope .
14 Within the alcoholic drinks category , real excise duty revenue raised from Scotch Whisky has fallen by 44% since 1979 and by 26% for other spirits .
15 They also pulled those in the railway ‘ races ’ from London to Edinburgh in 1888 and to Aberdeen in 1895 , when there was keen competition between the east and west coast routes and Stirling 's locomotives averaged over 60 m.p.h. between London and York .
16 The Manila composite index rose by 77% in 1991 and by 9% in 1992 .
17 In the Soviet Union before the advent of Gorbachev succession was a struggle within the ruling elite , for example there were prolonged struggles after the death of Lenin in 1924 and of Stalin in 1953 , the main difference between the two episodes being that the losers in the 1950s escaped with their lives whereas those in the 1920s did not .
18 Chantrell exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1812–14 and in Leeds at the Northern Society for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts from 1822 , and became a fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects in 1836 .
19 Baker and Bessmertnykh failed during talks in Geneva on June 7 and in Berlin on June 20 to settle remaining differences over a strategic arms reduction treaty ( START ) [ see pp. 37979 ; p. 38255 ] .
20 Treaty : van Binsbergen v. Bestuur van de Bedrijfsvereniging voor de Metaalnijverheid ( Case 33/74 ) [ 1974 ] E.C.R. 1299 and in Coenen v. Sociaal-Economische Raad ( Case 39/75 ) [ 1975 ] E.C.R. 1547 .
21 In Barrow each house had a water tap by the 1880s , but in Lancaster 475 houses shared a single tap as late as 1925 and in Manchester in 1931 there were 70,000 houses classified as ‘ unfit ’ with thirty to fifty people sharing a tap in a tenement building .
22 The spanning of the United States in 1869 and of Canada in 1885 led to similar grand designs being formulated for Australia .
23 We looked at the industrial distribution of " users " , at whether there had been any increase in their numbers since 1980 and at differences between user and non-user establishments in terms of their size , output , performance , industrial relations and labour force characteristics .
24 The institute found that the global average temperature , although cooler than the previous year , was still well above the average from 1951 to 1980 and in line with values for the 1980s .
25 But matters soon changed , for he was to become one of the king 's leading and most active councillors and diplomats : on royal service in Paris in 1285 , with the king in Gascony in 1287–9 , presiding with Burnell and others over the trial of royal ministers following the return from Gascony , negotiating for peace in France and Rome in 1296–8 and in France in 1299 , back in Rome and Paris in 1300–1 , and Paris again in 1303 .
26 He served in operations against Malay pirates 1875–6 and in Egypt in 1883 .
27 They went to Germany together in 1798 and to Calais in 1802 .
28 The Department of Employment promptly found its budget cut by £120m in 1990–91 and by £230m in 1991–92 , with the most drastic reductions falling on the programme for training unemployed adults .
29 There has also been direct military involvement , in Northern Ireland since 1969 and in London in 1980 with the spectacular lifting of the siege at the Iranian embassy by the Special Air Service ( SAS ) .
30 St Osyth 's College of Education at Clacton-on-Sea proposed a BEd in 1969 and by December of the following year it had been turned down on the grounds that the College did not have an ‘ appropriate academic structure ’ , more thought about the objectives of the course ( it was for teachers of Home Economics ) was needed , the staff needed strengthening , the library expanding and laboratory facilities improving .
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