Example sentences of "[num] it [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the early eighteenth century about twenty families lived there , and according to the census of 1801 it had a population of 137 [ Baker , 2 , 720 ] .
2 Dated at approximately 1430 it concerns a writ , ‘ Commission ad computa collectorem denorionum pro clausura villae ’ , which may be translated as a ‘ Commission for the hearing of the accounts of the collectors of money for the walling of a town ’ .
3 In 1991 it passed a packaging ordinance that imposes an obligation on companies to take back the packaging in which goods are transported and sold .
4 From that date until 1960 it became a dwelling in Pentrcwrt .
5 During the years of World War II it became a place of refuge for German and Austrian academics of Jewish origin , among them Edgar Wind , Rudi Wittkower , and Ernst Gombrich .
6 This was the only Nonconformist chapel Butterfield ever designed and in 1976 it became a parish church .
7 In 1922 it received a shot in the arm through a large subsidy from the Central Committee .
8 On 12 September 1922 it issued a decree abolishing Pomgol and replacing it with Posledgol ( the Committee for the Struggle Against the Consequences of the Famine ) .
9 ‘ When the Institution was founded in 1824 it cost a guinea a year to be a Governor .
10 Does my hon. Friend agree that it is worth pointing out to young children that in 1950 it took a man on average industrial wages a week to earn enough to buy his Christmas turkey and that it now takes a person in a similar position just 90 minutes to do so ?
11 On Sept. 3 it created a post of executive President of Moldavia " because of the deteriorating social and political situation in the republic " caused by the Dnestr Russians ' proclamation and a similar move by the Gagauz minority in August .
12 Back in 1949 it cost a minimum of four shillings for a mention in the In Memoriam section .
13 Until 1858 it remained a cloth mill , run by a succession of owners and tenants , including Paul Wathen , Joseph Haigh and Charles Peach .
14 On May 16 it passed a law establishing a provisional system of government for the republic during the period of transition to independence .
15 The Company did very well despite this attitude to its imports ; in the 1660s it made a number of loans to the government , amounting altogether to £130,000 , and in the 1680s it regularly paid 10,000 guineas a year , which came to about 1 per cent of the King 's total revenue .
16 In 1987 it signed a memorandum of agreement with Newham regarding the redevelopment of the Royal Docks that stipulated that regeneration would include the construction of social housing , the provision of training and community facilities , and so on ( London Borough of Newham , 1987 ) .
17 In 1987 it published a report on its observations of specific community care projects which were felt by local people to be successful .
18 In December 1970 it received a coat of standard blue paint only to be repainted back into two tone green recently by the dedicated staff at Immingham depot .
19 On Nov. 1 the parliamentary faction of the Bulgarian Socialist Party ( BSP — the successor to the Bulgarian Communist Party ) became the Parliamentary Union for Social Democracy ( USD ) , and on Nov. 13 it named a shadow cabinet .
20 The Ministry of Information had also played a leading part in lauding the military qualities of the Soviet ally , and indeed many other of its domestic accomplishments : in February 1943 it organised a meeting at the Albert Hall to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the foundation of the Red Army .
21 Seating 500 it provides a centre of services of all denominations and a concert venue .
22 In the 1970s it was only a curiosity but around 1980 it had a renaissance when people discovered that in certain complicated molecules , involving both deuterium and tritium , the presence of a muon caused fusion to occur much faster than had been previously thought possible .
23 But in the mid-eighties it developed a line of kitchenware going completely over to this at Christmas .
24 In 1982 it quit a coalition with the SDP and joined the CDU .
25 On Sept. 9 it imposed a night curfew in large parts of the republic .
26 Following a debate on Nov. 23 it passed a resolution giving Gorbachev two weeks to produce detailed plans .
27 The winner 's conker was then a oner , when it had disposed of two it became a twoer , but if it should then beat a threeer it then became a fiver .
28 At the beginning of 1989 it remained a hope awaiting fulfilment , that the incoming Bush administration would undertake that role of persuasion which previous administrations had eschewed .
29 By 1658 it had a dye house , a gig mill and two fulling stocks .
30 Since 1983 it spent a total of ECU5.3 million for this purpose .
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