Example sentences of "[num] and i [vb base] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Mary Yates is arranging the programme for 1993 and I 've asked her to let you have a copy .
2 I took thirteen and I 've got some of me old Diodide so went back on to them .
3 I got two threes and I 've got er two little ducks .
4 I am now twenty-six — soon I will be twenty-seven and I have done nothing — but change !
5 By the way , I 've seen to it that there are enough knives , forks and crockery for three and I 've told Gladys that it 's also her responsibility to keep the flat clean and tidy .
6 I 'm interested in things outside of entertainment as well , and although I feel I 'm older than 21 , I have to remind myself that I am 21 and I 've got a lot of years ahead . ’
7 I 'm only sixteen and I 've got dishpan hands , he thought , and laughed as he stacked the plates neatly on the draining-board .
8 Erm I took a degree in textiles in the late fifties and I 've specialized in the design , development and manufacture of knitted outer-wear ever since .
9 And er because Phil was here Oliver went to bed about ten so he woke up about ten And I 've swallowed a couple of pills and feel fine .
10 That 's ten and I 've bought that parsnip , it 's only eighty nine , there 's three plants there
11 And er one or two got caught up occasionally now and then so we did erm have to go underneath because I was earning too much to get a free one it cost me seven pounds ten and I 've got the receipt for it .
12 Well Ben , I look fifteen and I 've got it out for someone already .
13 Because if I 've , if it 's handed into me , period one and I 've got them period four I 'm not gon na mark it I 'm never gon na get round to marking it !
14 Mm he 's got sixty one and I 've got fifty four .
15 ‘ Say I 'm about 56 and I 've got angina but I want to ride a horse .
16 I am not spreading or sagging , the glow of an early sun tan had probably removed a year or two and I 've discovered that lipstick does wonders , but there could have been little doubt in his mind that I was closer in age to his mother than to him .
17 Yeah you see I 've only got fifty two and I 've got eight hundred quid less than you
18 Those two and I 've got your keys .
19 So that 's me got four and I 've got another five to do and I had a telephone call from field controller in Edinburgh last night and I really do think I do n't know how I managed to keep my tongue still .
20 far back in my life so I can recall my first piece of actual writing , I have a scrapbook at home and I look at it regularly , it had my first pieces of work in it , I usually drew pictures and then wrote things , my first piece was on A four and I have drawn a table , my mum and myself , I was holding a , I wrote one sentence and it was surprisingly literate this is what I wrote , it is my party and I wait for my friends to come , I did many pieces of work
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