Example sentences of "[num] and [is] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The well was completed and tested from the Sedco 700 and is now tied back to the Thistle platform .
2 This was discussed in Chapter 2 and is frequently referred to as the universe of discourse .
3 In the west of Leicester 's urban area , Newton ward , with population 20 440 , has a fitted value of only 13 495 and is badly fitted by all the models examined .
4 This principle was first upheld by the House of Lords in the case of D v NSPCC [ 1978 ] AC 171 and is now recognised within the statutory code .
5 The M two motorway remains closed between junctions five and six and is not expected to reopen for several hours .
6 ( 4 ) The question for decision is one of construction of the Act of 1986 and is not covered by any previous authority .
7 A second virus , HIV 2 , was discovered in 1986 and is mainly found in West Africa .
8 Swan Hunters was reprivatized in January 1986 and is now reduced to a work force of some 3000 and one building berth at Wallsend , although other yards are being used for preliminary fabrication .
9 Among the smaller examples Oakham Castle in Rutland still possesses its Great Hall which is famous for its windows , doorways and Transitional style capitals ; it dates from 1190 and is now used for Assize Court sittings .
10 His wife Anne died on 15th January 1833 and is also buried at Grasmere .
11 In fact , Mr Shiratori has been one of Japan 's representative 's on the IASC since 1984 and is well versed in all the issues ; he is also well aware that he has taken up the reins of office at a critical time for the IASC .
12 It has a specific gravity of about I .4 , a refractive index of about 1.55 and is best detected by the van Wisselingh test — treatment with concentrated potassium hydroxide at 160- C for 20 minutes converts it to chitosan which gives a rose-violet colour with 0-z per cent iodine in 1 per cent sulphuric acid ( Campbell , 1929 ) .
13 This was the edition most commonly used in England till the publication of the Authorised Version in 1611 and is often known as the ‘ Breeches ’ Bible from the rendering in Genesis iii .
14 This led in due course to the enactment of a new code which was substituted for the relevant sections of the Act of 1972 by the Transport Act 1981 and is now found , without material alteration , in the Road Traffic Act 1988 .
15 He is given the room key for room number 210 and is courteously shown to his room .
16 This started in 1978 and is commonly known as SERPS .
17 The last castle to be built in Britain , it was completed in 1930 and is now owned by the National Trust who open it to visitors in the summer .
18 The indispensable starting point is the annual International Bibliography of Historical Sciences which began to appear in 1930 and is now published at Paris with the assistance of UNESCO .
19 Mlle Adjani , who made her first film , Faustine , at the age of 16 and is best known for The Story of Adele H , is now working on new film projects and promoting Christian Dior .
20 The process was initiated in 1970 and is now referred to as the European Political Cooperation Procedure .
21 Indeed , my aunt for instance was toilet-trained by the age of one and is excessively organised .
22 May 1903 by King Edward VII and is correctly named ‘ King Edward Bridge ’ .
23 The suite was made in Nancy in around 1900 and is now expected to fetch FF1.2–1.8m ( £120–180,000 ; $215–320,000 ) .
24 Managers are members of the company pension scheme , which allows for retirement at 60 and is generally recognized to be reasonably generous .
25 But Mr Major is likely be in power with the smallest Tory majority since 1951 and is now placed to take advantage of disarray in the Opposition parties and the expected economic recovery .
26 Alpha-1 antitrypsin is the major serum protease inhibitor , the glycoprotein is encoded by a single locus on chromosome 14 and is principally produced by hepatocytes .
27 In the ‘ spatial division of labour ’ , the labour-intensive mass-production branch has a weaker role than in the 1960s and is partly replaced by TNC investment in the Third World .
28 Growth in the interventionism of British judges has been noted since the 1960s and is now encapsulated in specific procedures for judicial review .
29 This cemetery has been in existence since 1965 and is lovingly tended by regular visitors who often bring fresh flowers to mark the last resting place of a faithful friend .
30 4 The Sympathetic Hearing Scheme , which started as a joint effort by the Panel of Four and is now administered by the British Association for the Hard of Hearing ( BAHOH ) .
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