Example sentences of "[num] and [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With × 20 it is not hard to locate , somewhat to the northwest of Zeta and in the same field with it ; I can glimpse it with × 12 and suspect it with × 8.5 , though I have never been able to see it with any lower magnification .
2 Immediately prior to use rinse the coverslips two or three times in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer pH 7.4 and place them in individual wells of a multi-well plastic tissue culture dish ( Nunc ) containing 0.1 M cacodylate buffer pH 7.4 .
3 We got caught up in the keep-fit bandwagon in the mid 80s and got ourselves into shape .
4 I peeled off five hundreds and gave them to the officer .
5 Parts II and III are handed to the employees to take to their next employers , who will copy the details on to the P11 card , file Part II for reference and complete Part III and send it to their local inspector of taxes .
6 What is , however , a matter of concern is that within days of receiving and failing to reply to that letter , on 23 October 1991 , the local authority moved the children from the family friends with whom they had lived since 17 July 1991 and placed them with foster parents .
7 We submitted a manuscript in August 1991 and revised it in October in the light of minor criticisms by the referee(s) , whose report was highly supportive .
8 He thus pioneered in this country the discursive , witty , exuberant , and surrealist style of humour he bequeathed to his close friend J. B. Morton [ q.v. ] , who took the column over in 1924 and developed it through half a century into an art form .
9 The Dane Valdemar Poulsen invented his ‘ Telegraphone ’ in 1898 and patented it in 1900 , but ( as with commercial electrical recording ) amplification was needed before it could become practicable .
10 Six and moving it to the afternoon yes , it 's er a nice question .
11 If parents wished their son to become a Scribe they took him to Jerusalem at the age of thirteen and enrolled him in one of the Rabbinical schools .
12 Married women who are claiming a repayment for the first time should fill in form R95(D) attached to leaflet IR 112 and send it to their local tax office .
13 The visit to Wagner 's Swiss home , Tribschen , in mid-May was the first of over twenty such visits made between 1869 and 1872 , the year in which first BT appeared and then , a few months later , Wagner , with his wife Cosima , moved to illegitimate daughter of Franz Liszt and wife of Wagner 's friend Hans von Bulow , eloped with Wagner in 1866 and married him in 1870 .
14 Son a Southwark hat manufacturer , Vaughan purchased Constable 's ‘ Haywain ’ from Christie 's in 1866 and presented it to the National Gallery , London that year .
15 When Liz Headleand woke on the first day of 1980 and found herself in bed with her husband , she remembered instantly the scene of the night before , and wondered how she could ever have been so upset by it .
16 One may summarize the conclusions reached with respect to , and within the terms of , the traditional account of the Muftilik as follows : ( a ) that Fahreddin Acemi remained as Mufti , whether in Edirne or Istanbul , until his death , which occurred probably not later than 873/1468 ; ( b ) that he was succeeded by Abdulkerim , who seems likely to have resigned or been removed about 878/1473–4 ; ( c ) that Molla Husrev succeeded to the office about 878/1473–4 and held it until his death in 885/1480–1 ; ( d ) that he was succeeded by Molla Gurani in 885/1480–1 ( but cf. below , pp. 144–6 , 150 ) , who retained the office until his death in 893/1488 ; and ( e ) that Molla Arab succeeded Molla Gurani in that year and remained Mufti until his death in 901/1495–6 .
17 He evidently intended that this should be the royal priest Eadsige , who took over some of Æthelnoth 's duties in 1035 and succeeded him in 1038 .
18 Yet he opened his challenge for The Masters with a 75 and closed it with an 81 .
19 She joined the Community of the Resurrection in 1940 and devoted herself to the training of Primary and Secondary school teachers at Grahamstown Training College .
20 The Director of Information in the colonial administration , Harry Franklin , started the Lusaka station in 1941 and ran it in his spare time .
21 Rich in phosphorus , it is easy to digest and acclaimed by lovers of great experience , like Casanova who regularly breakfasted on a couple of dozen and extolled them as ‘ a spur to the Spirit and to love ’ .
22 Having been approached by Adam Boreel , who with John Dury and Samuel Hartlib [ qq.v. ] in England hoped to persuade a learned Jew to translate the Mishnah ( the Hebraic core of the Talmud ) into Latin , Isaac Abendana arrived in Oxford on 3 June 1662 and presented himself to Edward Pococke [ q.v. ] and other prominent Hebraists there .
23 The new army had to hold the Western Front after the demoralization of the French , following General Nivelle 's failed offensive of 16 April-21 May 1917 and did it with such success , that Allied victory became a possibility in 1918 .
24 The WPBSA 's constitution does not permit player-directors to be paid , but the board voted itself a 50 pence per mile travelling allowance in 1984 and doubled it to £1 per mile this year .
25 Trace the promise Badges on page 31 and glue them onto the bookmark .
26 Mr Rooker , MP for Perry Barr in Birmingham , discovered the existence of the POWs Fund in 1976 and publicised it in the Midlands .
27 But the Arts Council stepped in to buy the place in 1976 and re-opened it as a traditional theatre with Frank Carson in pantomime in December 1980 .
28 He left school at sixteen and immersed himself in the Labour Party , canvassing for the 1966 general election .
29 At a press conference he gave after the collapse of the coup ( on Aug. 21 ) Gorbachev recounted that a delegation , consisting of Boldin , Gen. Plekhanov , Shenin and Gen. Varennikov , had visited him at his holiday dacha in the Crimea on Aug. 18 and placed him under house arrest because he had refused to endorse a state of emergency .
30 At 16 , she was a size 18 and resigned herself to a life of being obsessed with food .
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