Example sentences of "[num] of [pron] [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Friends of the Earth proposes a dozen green taxes , three of which would directly affect the motorist , It calls for abolition of road tax , but for the price of petrol to be raised to what it was in real terms in 1975 .
2 Indeed , all three of them would probably have willingly paid to have been part of the occasion which is now firmly entrenched in French sporting history .
3 Three of them would obviously be Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland .
4 The lights in the Worm became brighter and all three of them could now see more clearly .
5 I do n't think any of the five of us could ever remember Laura being cross — not that she had need to be , we were good and reasonable children , always having been treated reasonably , but she had her moments of trial .
6 Sandys accepted the need for carriers in limited war and enshrined the continued existence off our carrier groups , one of which would normally be deployed East of Suez , in his 1957 White Paper .
7 This perspective is here distilled out of the similarities between two major studies of consumption , one of which may almost be credited with initiating such studies , while the other provides the most extensive contemporary survey .
8 In the previous section we have seen how public figures often write about themselves for a variety of reasons — one of which could just be straight-forward self-centredness .
9 Plans for the Herbarium/Library extension envisage one additional staff workstation for circulation , and two additional OPAC stations , one of which will also run the Library 's CD-ROM drive .
10 The company expects to sell via OEMs ( one of which will obviously be IBM ) , VARs and integrators as well as direct .
11 One of them might never walk at all .
12 It would be an excellent idea to provide your Porcupine Puffer with a separate tank , but do n't introduce another into the same tank because they just do n't get on and one of them would almost certainly die .
13 German agents would escort his baggage through all security checks , and one of them would personally place the baggage on the plane . ’
14 He introduced them to Mobuto then went on to explain that one of them would always be at his side for the duration of his visit .
15 One of them would undoubtedly be Hunt 's physical condition .
16 Why , lo and behold , one of them would solemnly type ‘ Methinks it is like a weasel , and another would almost certainly type ‘ I think therefore I am ’ .
17 Incredulity at my own stupidity almost made me laugh , for Nour would , without a shadow of a doubt , have many , many wives and not one of them would ever be happy .
18 As their mother lies dozing , one of them will suddenly pounce on the black tassel at the end of her twitching tail , using the same kind of actions it will need to pounce on a small prey animal in years to come .
19 Seven years … but still every now and then one of them will suddenly run out into the street screaming . ’
20 There is a mystic , psychic quality about them that is pleasantly disturbing , and often one of them will gently take my hand and gaze steadily into my eyes as if willing me better and I feel sort of honoured to be welcomed into their society .
21 But I do n't know , I 've three of them , and I do n't think one of them will ever run this place for me . ’
22 When one of them could no longer come up to the scratch line at the beginning of a round he was held to have lost the match .
23 Any one of them could still deny Opel the title but it wo n't happen — not if Ulster engineering skills prove to be the deciding factor .
24 In its place though , one of you could soon be the proud owner of an Action Replay cartridge .
25 It eventually reached the point when one of us would simply talk to him about anything and everything until he 'd break and say , ‘ OK , you want me to talk .
26 And then , because we admired his beauty so much , someone would often say of him , as we were sizing up and judging the night 's array of talent , one of us would quietly say , The Price Is Right .
27 I 'm quite convinced that society could be run without money and every one of us would actually become far better off — not economically , of course , but emotionally and culturally .
28 Any one of us may also apprehend an individual whom we know to be , or whom we have reasonable grounds for suspecting to be , guilty of such an offence as long as it has been committed .
29 One of us will probably be sucessful .
30 Some or one of us will anyway .
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