Example sentences of "[num] of [noun] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There was force in the Crown 's argument that , strictly , the making of a statement in circumstances in which a person had already been charged and , in part at least , was intending to speak about matters relating to the charges already put did not fall within paragraphs 12 , 13 and 2 of Annex D. However , the Code must be read as covering this situation .
2 In spite of this , similar schemes are still being undertaken : in the Grande Carajás region , centred on Belém , 30 000 km 2 of forest w ill be cleared for ranching as part of a large-scale development plan involving mining , the establishment of heavy industry , road and rail construction , and a further 15 000 km 2 of forest will be removed to provide charcoal for pig-iron smelting ( Fearnside 1989 ) .
3 Thus , although the monies received are capital in nature they are deemed to be income for the purposes of giving the taxpayer deductions and reliefs and they are charged under Case VI of Schedule D. Thus , for instance , the remittance basis would not be applicable although there is no reason why general principles should not be applicable so that income arising overseas and received by a non-resident would not be chargeable under general principles whilst income arising in the United Kingdom could be chargeable under general principles regardless of who it is paid to .
4 Income tax chargeable under s739 shall be charged under Case VI of Schedule D. Thus , whether or not the income arises from an overseas trade is not relevant ; the charge is still under Case VI of Schedule D. Section 743(2) , however , provides that in computing the liability to income tax of an individual chargeable under s739 the same deductions and reliefs shall be allowed as would have been allowed if the income deemed to be his by virtue of s739 had actually been received by him .
5 It seemed that the train would pull out leaving her and the hundreds of milling travellers still shoving each other back and forth across the dimly lit platform .
6 Hundreds of campus tours later , Turner himself is not so sure .
7 Hungry , driving people are what roadside restaurants are all about , and no one knows that better than Forte , the undisputed leaders in the field , serving millions of customers a year at hundreds of roadside locations nationwide .
8 We have like , we have hundreds of crap facilities rather than just a few good ones .
9 Hundreds of riot police then charged repeatedly at scores of Left-wingers and pushed them back from the podium so that President Weizsaecker could begin his speech .
10 Meanwhile the seriousness of a second UNITA offensive on a new front north-east of Luanda was indicated by the transfer on May 7 of França Ndalu away from the Mavinga front to command a new Cuanza-Bengo front , in an area between Luanda and Uige province .
11 Bit 0 of accumulator B therefore appears at the output as the direction signal and bit 1 as the start/stop signal .
12 The provision of £8.5 billion of grant aid hardly amounts to standing idly by .
13 AT&T has had a similar experience with its Global Business Communications Systems subsidiary , which sells $1 billion of telecommunications gear annually to corporate customers .
14 That is still a lot less than the $2 billion of robot sales once forecast for 1990 .
15 Article 86 of EC law only deals directly with the abuse of a dominant position , presumably once the firm has achieved that position , and until recently the scope for dealing with mergers which create dominant positions was severely limited .
16 SINGER Sinead O'Connor stunned millions of TV viewers yesterday by ringing a live show and donating her £500,000 Hollywood home to charity .
17 This was the heart-stopping moment shared by millions of TV viewers yesterday when the Italian ace cheated death in a spectacular 100mph crash .
18 Millions of Nosema club together to mass-produce juvenile hormone in the beetle larva 's body , thereby preventing it from turning into an adult .
19 But incredulous , or not , the events happened ( millions of television viewers worldwide watched the Chilean concert ) and as such they typify the massive changes that Amnesty has undergone in its 30-year history .
20 But the famous Bongs ! will have a hollow ring for millions of soccer fans anxiously waiting for news of their teams .
21 One of Guinness Brewing Worldwide 's key strengths is the careful selection of such companies , those with excellent potential , which will take us into new markets or geographical areas , or consolidate our presence , and which can be integrated smoothly and add value to existing operations .
22 Killing people simply in order to satisfy hunger is hardly one of humanity s more endearing habits ( and anyway seems always to have been rare ) , but the consumption of dead heroes can be seen as a mark of respect , in that the eaters may hope to inherit some of the admired qualities of the deceased .
23 The intention is for the policeman concerned to develop a local knowledge of his area , to show a presence and develop friendly and informal contact with members of the public , although one was adamant that his role remained primarily one of crime detection rather than prevention , this being the responsibility of community relations .
24 Whatever the source of the video information , therefore , the technical issue is principally one of processing power rather than the storage of large volumes of data .
25 We have built residues 24–96 into the electron density , although poorly defined density is visible beyond residue 96 of molecule A. Thus of the 89 residues in the polypeptide chain , 5 residues at the N terminus and 11 residues at the C terminus are missing in the current model .
26 Rather than buy primer and undercoat specially , you can manage with a coat or two of gloss paint alone .
27 Her original plan for the previous Wednesday had been to put in an hour or two of picket duty very early in the morning , and then go on to her appointment at Pringle 's .
28 How about Hosea Chapt 2 , 16–23 ( may need a sentence or two of introduction explanation though ) ?
29 Plastic only takes up one-fifth of landfill space generally in western Europe , a figure that reduces to approximately 12 to 15 per cent when the waste is crushed .
30 Judging from the value of each ransom payment , usually about five rupees , some stealing networks must have earned thousands of rupees profit annually .
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