Example sentences of "[num] [pers pn] are [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 12 You are looking after an endangered animal , which is very muckily ill .
2 In volume two of " The Glasgow Geography " of 1825 we are told in the short entry that " wheat is also raised in considerable quantity " and that about 3000 head of black cattle are sold annually .
3 In volume two of " The Glasgow Geography " of 1825 we are told in the short entry that " wheat is also raised in considerable quantity " and that about 3000 head of black cattle are sold annually .
4 1.1 You are employed in the service of the Council initially at … but following consultation and mutual agreement with the appropriate trade union you may be required to service at another of the Council 's establishments .
5 With reference to Fig. 1.1 we are looking at the search space bounded by the x and the z axis .
6 These items accounted for only £17m in 1991 : in 1992 they are put at £28m .
7 5 They are acquired during an individual 's lifetime .
8 25 You are shipwrecked on a desert island with these birds .
9 We saw awful conditions in Bouzoulouk , where , out of a population of 35,000 they are dying at the rate of 100 a day .
10 1 You are preparing for us the scripts for the following items :
11 At the start of chapter 16 we are reminded of it again , and things seem so hopeless now that Sarah urges Abraham to have a child by her Egyptian maid , Hagar .
12 dimensions as the 2.6 engine , fits easily and gives good fuel economy — we get 18 to 20 mpg from one we are running at present .
13 One by one they are screaming at the top of their voices , like naughty adolescent vixens .
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