Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] we have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But i I did feel it was airing those possible scenarios to get a reaction and I think the forty minutes we 've had discussing that have been extremely valuable as far as we 're concerned .
2 Inside 12 months we 've gone from being an old side to having some very encouraging youngsters . ’
3 ‘ For 30 years we have asked for it to be culverted and we have been promised that it will be done .
4 I have seen the report and am considering its implications carefully , but it is just worth pointing out that in 11 of the past 12 Budgets we have taken steps to encourage employee share ownership to the extent that by the end of March last year about 2.25 million employees had benefited under all employee share schemes and had received options or shares with an initial value of £6.5 billion .
5 Erm one difficulty with with giving a financial report is so many things seem to happen quickly and a erm apart from the fact that there was a , a major finance resources comes from we , as well you see that I have to tell you now these have been done on the red letter assembly side and you may want to alter one there er according to reform I see the cost per erm person attending is not a hundred and twelve pounds , but a hundred and fourteen pounds and that means that we have forty representatives we 've got to try and find four thousand five hundred and sixty .
6 In 10 minutes we had spied the whole Countrywatch patch .
7 After six months we had made such a success of our little business that we took on a fourth girl and moved into the garage , as we now needed more space .
8 I 'm pleased to say that in the course of the last six months we 've seen a strong recovery in profits .
9 ‘ Whatever intrigue there was between Lotta Petterson and myself died slowly and painfully and has been extinct for much longer than the six months we have gone our separate ways . ’
10 ‘ Whatever intrigue there was between Lotta Pettersson and myself died slowly and painfully and has been extinct for much longer than the six months we have gone our separate ways … ’
11 We begin work feeling that certain codes of dress and conduct are acceptable and within six months we have agreed with the norms that indicate that certain codes of dress and conduct are certainly not acceptable .
12 ‘ In the last 10 years we 've created more jobs than ever before , higher living standards than ever before , better social services than ever before , higher living …
13 For the previous six weeks we had done nothing but make preparations ; buying the tickets , finding tenants for the house , and , hardest of all , putting the house in a fit state to receive tenants !
14 unless you have a base to work off of started to do , once we started doing the er , the walls take the scaffold down out of the way and to release some area off our stock pile we decided to back build so that by the time that we 'd done six tanks we 'd got half our area taken up by all that material excavated and just flip back to the drawing here what 's going to happen is that stockpile here .
15 And for three decades we 've given our clients a process for better decision making and problem solving up and down the organization .
16 We 've lost over the past two years or , two or three years we 've lost about 60 per cent of our biggest trading accounts through soft loans from the big brewers .
17 I mean , we 've been all round but the last three years we 've stayed at Carlton
18 In the past three years we 've adopted a three percent turnover .
19 Er the unemployment rate while still relatively in relation to national and even er regional levels , has increased very rapidly over the last few years and in fact over the last two or three years we 've had something like three thousand jobs lost i in Harrogate .
20 Indeed , we always try to give the benefit of the doubt , and the hon. Gentleman may be interested to know that in the last three years we have received 577 claims and have settled 372 of them .
21 It is perhaps worth pointing out that in the past three years we have spent some £350 million on the poorer pensioners .
22 In the last three years we have opened three brand new laboratories : at Colchester , serving rigid packaging and tubes ; at Bristol , with a new complex for flexible packaging scientists ; and at Muscatine , Iowa , which is our largest plastic tubes plant .
23 Charlton co-manager Alan Curbishley admitted that his side were on a worrying downward trend but pointed out : ‘ In the last three years we have sold players worth more than £4 million and spent only Pounds 450,000 .
24 ‘ In the past three years we have provided NSF with $600 million for the high-performance computing initiative ’ , says Kevin Kelly , an aide to Senator Barbara Mikulski ( Democrat , Maryland ) , who is chair of the appropriations subcommittee that controls the budgets of NSF , NASA , the Environmental Protection Agency and several other agencies .
25 ‘ For 21 years we have immunised 93,000 children in Bangladesh , planted 1.1m tree seedlings in Ethiopia , provided clothing and food for 400,000 people in Mozambique and helped over 100,000 children in India gain literacy skills .
26 I try to think of the three things we 'd identified for the for the fifteenth of September .
27 There is clearly variation in expression of the APC gene within families as can be seen from the three families we have presented in detail .
28 but had no planning permission , that was n't including er I think twenty three hectares we 've calculated which have erm outstanding planning permissions .
29 We gave Undry up for lost then , and , binding our power to the three Treasures we had left , we healed the breach and built up the wall ever higher and stronger .
30 Things happen fast in a head-on attack and in two or three seconds we had passed directly over them .
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