Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] that have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Of the richest thirty-five countries in 1958 , all but six had the required level of primary education in 1920 ; vice versa , of the fifty countries that had not achieved the minimum level of primary education in 1920 , only one was among the developed countries in 1958 .
2 We know of one family collection consisting of 10 pictures that have not been seen by the general public .
3 And when you say ‘ no up-to-date trading figures ’ , it was only the last six months that had n't been prepared .
4 Hubbub , shoving and ten good ideas before breakfast — the character , in short , of the 100 days that have just passed — need to give way to something different in the 1,361 that are left .
5 He added that he may appoint independent assessors to review the viability of the 10 pits that have already been closed .
6 Two million voted in the six republics that had formally declined to participate , among whom the level of support for the continued existence of the USSR was predictably very high .
7 That trawl will bring out a couple of dozen schemes that have totally lapsed , and people will write snotty letters saying I 've told you this once before .
8 There have been a number of studies of poverty in the UK that have been made over the past twenty-five years that have consistently indicated that a substantial minority of people may experience serious relative deprivation .
9 Two interactions that have now become of critical importance are the effect of the ozone layer on the passage of ultraviolet radiation ; and the effect of carbon dioxide and various other gases on infra-red radiation .
10 If the Government do introduce the order , will that not mean that the 5 million liability orders already granted and the 200 imprisonments that have already been made are illegal ?
11 It was the smell of a hundred bodies that had not been bathed for a week , of a hundred sets of clothes that had been lived and slept in for a week , of excreta and vomit trapped by the windows that had not been opened for a week .
12 They also agreed to send observers into potential flashpoints of neighbouring Kosovo and Macedonia to prevent a repeat of the civil war in two regions that have so far escaped violence .
13 Just George , just to respond to the two points that have just been made .
14 Now the company has rallied 20 vendors that have jointly introduced standard Application Programming Interfaces for IBM Corp 's Systems Network Architecture to be included in the Windows and Windows NT operating systems .
15 well my thoughts had cristalized that we would have to change the direction of er , we communicating with them as we 've done in the past , we could n't just use adverts that we might have used regional in a regional press , we had to pick out the point , in the , in the actual article so that four example there were six or seven points that had clearly been made , statements that had been made , I had to devise a scheme then , er , it was only a scheme in my thinking that actually , I had to devise a scheme that would pick up each of these points encounter them , now there was no way I could simply take an advert out and say , they said this , we say that because that would have had no credibility , so what I was thinking at that time is how we might be able to use some other form of being able to counter those six or seven points and I started to come up with an idea perhaps using a third party , because in our business , third party recommendation are very , very powerful and when selling to the elderly because they do not take , I 'm sorry , they take a long time to come to a decision , they mull over it and such like , they take a lot of influence from people , take advise from family , accountants , solicitors , bank managers and such like , so the idea of having a third party in a sense recommend then would have allowed us to get over those particular points , so that 's what was germinating in my mind at the time
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