Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] and that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 There is also the thought that we are inheritors of the previous three ages and that we become all that they have been .
2 In it he proposes the closure of at least one college at year that they reopen after three years and that they will not be allowed to employ anyone who 's previously taught at an Oxbridge university .
3 My belief is that our good practice has evolved over a period of more than 50 years and that it has developed in classrooms through the dedicated expertise of British teachers enjoying the relative freedom traditionally allowed within our education system .
4 Epilepsy , despite the known medical facts that it commonly " burns out " after ten years and that it is not normally associated with disorders of personality , nonetheless still causes considerable concern in society .
5 At present , many residential homes for adults run by local authorities have over 25 residents , whereas it is felt that no residential homes should have more than twenty-five places and that it would be much better if the average size was much lower .
6 Under cross-examination Timothy Harris has admitted using drugs for the past twelve years and that he desperately wanted sex with Miss Whitehead .
7 where my mum and dad live it 's not that bad an area yet they were burgled four times and that they get
8 However , his wife , Eleonora Popa , confirmed on March 2 that he had been receiving " anonymous threats " for over two months and that he had received no support from the Justice Ministry , which had confiscated his suicide letter .
9 He had borrowed the ledger one night and read how a member of the Longford militia came galloping up on a foam-flecked horse to the doors of Carewscourt , yelling that the French and Irish had scattered Lake 's army to the four winds and that they were coming south and for everyone to flee , flee , flee if they valued their lives … .
10 He said he planned to write a book about the 1989 protests and that he had no plans to go overseas , as several other released political prisoners have done .
11 The only conditions the Taxman lays down is that you give the same amount regularly for at least four years and that you are a UK taxpayer .
12 Net change , forty five million pounds and that we regard as one of the most satisfying outcomes for the year .
13 I 'd just like to say that you can have two mothers and that you can two mothers quite happily , and that when you talk about women having the right to reproductive technology that includes single women , lesbians , not just heterosexual women .
14 On my experience dealing with people is however forgetful they get you know nursing homes or residential homes or whatever and they ca n't really remember from one corresponding conversation to the next they still remember that they 've got two children and that they own a bank account .
15 Grampian Police say they are satisfied there is a link among all four incidents and that they were designed to cause maximum disruption .
16 The two negative requirements are that the agreement must not impose on the undertakings concerned restrictions which are not indispensable to the attainment of the first two criteria and that it must not afford the undertakings concerned the possibility of eliminating competition in respect of a substantial part of the products in question .
17 They mentioned that you and Anna walked a hundred miles and that you were following it up with a heavy date .
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