Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] [adv] [coord] the " in BNC.

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1 The youngest ship was built only 12 years ago and the oldest was constructed in 1966 .
2 I 've been taking chlorambucil for six days now and the lumps are diminishing with staggering rapidity .
3 I 'm a 27-year-old woman and I 've had a bald patch about the size of a 10 pence piece on the top of my head for about six weeks now and the hair does n't appear to be re-growing .
4 A ‘ tubogram ’ was carried out , as an outpatient 10 days later and the catheter removed , provided that the biliary tree was clear of stones and that there was no extravasation of contrast into the peritoneal cavity .
5 People first settled there perhaps 130000 or 120000 years ago and the site seems to have been almost continuously occupied for the next 40000 to 8000 years .
6 The first two of these patients were advised to undergo cholecystectomy which was done two and 10 weeks later and the remainder have been followed to determine outcome .
7 The skill of the masons of 500 years ago and the faith of those who commissioned such works , which were truly built to the greater glory of God , is difficult to understand today .
8 Well the Ministry of Defence came into Harrogate just over fifty years ago and the jobs were done to some e to a large extent by people who might never have come to Harrogate if the Ministry of Defence had not er brought them in .
9 The first Carmelites landed in England 750 years ago and the first celebration of the anniversary was held at the Minster .
10 And remember , it 's for about three minutes only and the driver will be busy doing whatever it is inside the van . ’
11 However , schools plan their staffing levels at least three months earlier and the timetable is usually worked on throughout the summer term .
12 Mr Cross had chosen the ideal spot for his photography some three days earlier and the picture he wanted could only be taken during the ten days around the longest day when the sun came through a gap in the hills .
13 ‘ As for Guns N ’ Roses , I bought ‘ Appetite For Destruction ’ three years ago and the one thing that struck me was just how exciting the guitars were .
14 But that was three years ago and the judge is still pondering it ( Pacific Telesis has since dropped the idea ) .
15 The year proceeded very much in line with the School Academic Plan , which placed emphasis on consolidating our position , following the establishment of the Schools three years ago and the relatively rapid expansion in student numbers which followed thereafter .
16 Mrs Lundgren , 52 , is the region 's sole candidate from the Party ‘ relaunched ’ three years ago and the only one in a wheelchair .
17 Well , I 've been complaining about this for about three years now and the county council continues to think the forty mile an hour speed limit is perfectly alright .
18 The petite , pretty actress met Clint 18 months ago and the couple have been inseparable ever since .
19 Kettering 's population rose from 5,198 in 1851 to 29,972 sixty years later and the villages of Burton Latimer and Desborough grew spectacularly .
20 Basically , the Chinese invented gunpowder 3,000 years ago and the Oxford astronomer , Halley observed his comet , in 1707 .
21 It will be otherwise if a sale or transfer takes place when the husband left the home at least 36 months ago or the husband has acquired another residence .
22 Each side may be ten feet across and the hill is aligned so that the thin edge of the crest points north and south .
23 11 June saw the reopening of a station closed thirty-five years previously and the opening of the first new inner-London station for very many years : Hackney Central and Hackney Wick on the ‘ Cross Town Link Line ’ between North Woolwich and Camden Road , a promise of greater things to come .
24 So ten years later and the man comes back , the ma they cos they 've never come and checked on them they just sling the food through a but open up the cell where the man had Samantha Fox and millions of little kids come running out , all different ages and sizes , millions of them .
25 This young man died about ten years ago and the railwayman maybe thirty years before .
26 Pictures of the chairman ten years ago or the old plant before the renovations are only of interest for the company history and are definitely not for current use .
27 The fossil history.of earth suggests that we have about a billion years — one ‘ aeon ’ , to use a convenient modern definition — to play with , for this is roughly the time that elapsed between the origin of the Earth about 4.5 billion years ago and the era of the first fossil organisms .
28 If you feel like taking a day trip to the coast , Portsmouth with its naval heritage is only 25 miles away and the pleasant seaside resort of Brighton only 20 miles away .
29 Five minutes later and the rocks were covered .
30 It 's been going on for about seventeen months now and the in chief man at Hill House was rather interested to hear that we 'd not actually had it resolved yet , and asked for the reference numbers and .
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