Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] [coord] [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 The Chief Secretary has spoken for 22 minutes but has not mentioned the autumn statement .
2 Insurers say a non-smoker is someone who has not puffed the weed for 12 months and does n't plan smoking again .
3 He has lived at his Glebe Farm home for more than 30 years but had not relished fighting for its survival .
4 Bachet said that he had checked this for more than 300 numbers but did not know how to prove it .
5 At a guess I 'd say he 's probably been dead five or six hours but do n't hold me to that .
6 For reasons which are not stated the legislature in 1988 made it essential for a successor to live in the dwelling house during the period of six months but did not amend the Act of 1985 so as to impose either a six months ' period or residence in a particular dwelling house in the case of a council house .
7 The extra name was written by hand on the scorecard , which cost 10 centimes but did n't disclaim responsibility for the last wicket to fall !
8 Other men confirmed that they had been subjected to her unwanted attentions and ‘ filthy language ’ over six years but had not reported her .
9 If the employee has been working for you for up to eight weeks and does not have a linking letter or a Leaver 's statement , phone your Social Security office and ask if the start of the PIW you are dealing with links back to a claim to a Social Security benefit .
10 The show , which lasts a good three hours and does not contain a dull moment , works around an interesting format , whereby neither comedian is supporting the other , but both perform three sets each .
11 We waited for three hours and did not move .
12 I 've had my Commodore 64 for only three months and have n't yet , and wo n't in the future , miss a copy of ZZAP ! 64 .
13 The Pacific , though , had already waited three years and did n't seem in any particular hurry this year either .
14 For example , borrowings under the compensatory finance facility have to be repaid in quarterly instalments beginning three years and ending not later than five years after the date of the borrowings , whereas the enlarged access repayments are required twice a year beginning three and a half years and ending not later than seven years after the date of the borrowings .
15 She learned that Maxim had an elder sister — oddly , she 'd always assumed he must have been the first child — who had married a Quaker school-master and lived up North , had three children and did n't work , ‘ Except at disapproving of the Army , ’ Maxim added .
16 Come and see the 100 species of monkey who live in the park 's 17 acres and do n't miss the colourful flamingoes , the chimpanzees ' tea party , the playful penguins or feeding time for the sea-lines .
17 The earliest of these were collected in a volume of Cantiones which he published in 1575 jointly with Tallis , thus marking Elizabeth I 's grant to them of a twenty-one year monopoly of music printing ; others followed in two sets of Cantiones sacrae ( 1589 and 1591 ) and two of Gradualia ( 1605 and 1607 ) , a corpus of work almost as varied in technique and sometimes as ‘ madrigalian ’ in word-painting as that of Lassus — some of which Byrd may well have known — or of Alfonso Ferrabosco the elder ( 1543–88 ) who was his friend and colleague in the Queen 's service for sixteen years and wrote not only ‘ madrigalian ’ motets but simple Latin hymn-settings in a style very similar to Byrd 's .
18 The next time he awoke , they blistered the back of his hands with cigarette burns , but this time , mercifully , he had passed out within ten minutes and did n't regain his senses for nearly two hours .
19 ‘ On my fourteenth birthday I bought a really cheap guitar and chord book from Argos and sat in my room for about 6 months and lear n't to play the entire Siouxsie & The Banshees first album . ’
20 The coeliac patients were originally diagnosed according to the procedure recommended by the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition and had all been on a complete gluten free diet for at least five years and did not present symptoms indicative of active disease .
21 Arsenal won their first five matches and did not lose until the tenth .
22 It held 250 books and did n't attempt to divide them by author , title or illustrator .
23 These are calculated for our sample of 1608 men who were unemployed longer than 28 days and did not give retirement as their reason for their pre-cohort entry job .
24 His career of sado-sophistication , or ‘ snobbery with violence ’ as it was dubbed , brought his sales up to eighty million copies and does not need chronicling again except to point the contrast between him and his forbears in popular secret agent fiction .
25 Heffer wrote for the two Telegraphs and had not been himself since Mrs Thatcher had been sent packing .
26 Mammal-like animals have been around for some 200 million years but did n't become particularly numerous until about 70 million years ago , around the time the dinosaurs became extinct .
27 Lee suggested that other political and constitutional reforms would be accomplished within two years but did not give any further details .
28 The compositions of the two phases and do not correspond to the two minima , but are measured from the points of contact of the double tangent AB with the Gibbs free energy curve .
29 Lawrie had worked for the organisation for four years but had not been offered an interview , he claimed .
30 I ran 21.6 seconds , again wind assisted , for the 200 metres and did n't make the team .
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