Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] [conj] i 've " in BNC.

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1 er , then , so that 's at least , well in fact that 's more than sufficient , I should get paid more than six hours because I 've been working on the students , on the disabled games all day Friday
2 Although not directly connected to the constitutional difficulties being experienced by Canada , McKenna acknowledged the indirect connection when , speaking of the growing co-operation between the four provinces , he admitted that he had " seen more co-operation during the last six months than I 've seen in the last five years that I 've been Premier " .
3 Pakistan also have strong support from ex-Test stars from other countries such as Australia 's respected former captain , Richie Benaud , who says : ‘ On the opening day of the final Cornhill Test I was privileged to witness some of the finest swing bowling in the 44 years that I 've been in the game .
4 I 've never had a contract of employment in the six years that I 've been there but erm less than forty eight hours after all this happened every employee was issued with a contract of employment .
5 I mean I 've lived in here for the last fourtee thirteen years and I 've lived in Northern Ireland and Bradford and all sorts .
6 ‘ I 've produced six albums and I 've had enough of producing , ’ he says .
7 Tell me something in the last eight years that I 've said .
8 ‘ Tell me something in the last eight years that I 've said .
9 Oh it must be fifty years since I 've seen her .
10 Yes I 've phoned and I 've written three times and I 've written to his mother our official letter , official no headed notepaper she 's not there , she works as a nurse does n't she ?
11 right , that 's it , you 've , you 've told me this three times and I 've told you several times as well , the , the Russians put everything they 've got into military technology , just because , just because their kids are still running around
12 I ai n't been down there for about three weeks since I 've been going there .
13 I ought to be home in three days and I 've made a deal with Henry .
14 He admits : ‘ It is three years since I 've scored for England and I 'm well aware that the two I scored against Czechoslovakia remain my only goals .
15 ‘ It 's three years since I 've seen him , long before all this business .
16 Do you know I 've served in the Army for thirty three years and I 've commanded every thing at every level in the infantry which both these gentlemen have been in , from a platoon right up now to a brig er brigade and I can honestly tell you that I have n't seen more than a couple of incidents of bullying in the whole of that time .
17 We 've been saying the same thing for the last three years and I 've got the minutes here to prove it .
18 I said three flights that I 've been on in the last fortnight .
19 and I 've had three accidents and I 've been stationery every time , so somebody 's done something to me , so I 've had three
20 As I said there are just three sizes but I 've got five five prices , I would just like to home in on those three .
21 ‘ Because the three men that I 've got in the morgue back at New Scotland Yard are Peter Lawton , Mathew Bryce and Trevor Magee . ’
22 A thousand needs that I 've spent most of my teenage years pretending do n't exist , and when they 've made themselves felt , so strongly that I ca n't fail to be aware of them , I 've crushed them , trying to control my appetite and cravings in every way that I know , fighting a pointless and endless war against myself .
23 I was a fanatical record collector ; I 've got six to seven thousand records so I 've got plenty of places to look for ideas .
24 My parents are gon na be here in it 's twenty to eight , they were , they said they 'd be here in ten minutes and I 've got to run down .
25 ‘ I 've been an Overseas ’ Corporation Executive for the last ten years and I 've always been told that the reason the Corporation could n't pay me the salary it paid to Americans doing similar work was because my salary had to be related to British salary scales . ’
26 Now you are actually going to be guinea pig for me because I 've been doing these for about ten years and I 've decided for ten years is getting perhaps a little stale .
27 Because if they do n't know about it the mother or the father of that child will no doubt be coming along screaming I 've been getting twenty five pounds a week for the last ten years and I 've child on my own now .
28 I 've been in the trade for 29 years and I 've never known it this bad .
29 Was moaning about she had to buy three Christmas presents and she only got two kids So Ann turned round and said oh you 're fucking well mad I got to buy five presents and I 've only got two kids .
30 Why you 're doing this Christmas , it may be my last , John said what do you mean , I said well , I do n't know if I 'm going to be in a classroom this time next year , I mean , I really enjoy Christmas with the children , fifteen years since I 've done it , I 've forgotten how I enjoyed myself .
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