Example sentences of "[num] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There they were in 1934 hatching plans for invading Russia but allowing one of their army chiefs — ‘ a typical monocled , duel-scarred , square-headed general of the High Command ’ — to reveal the lot to an RAF veteran over lunch at a plush Berlin restaurant .
2 Trying out all the different permutations of routes is clearly impractical : there are 3,628,800 different ways of making a journey between 10 towns .
3 British troops managed to prevent about 30 Muslim fighters from gunning down some 170 civilians around Guca Gora , they said .
4 With something like 50,000 square feet of bookselling space in the inner city , the retailers must be hoping that Glaswegians will learn to buy in piles .
5 The question of possible mis-dealings by Rubio also raised sensitive issues at the level of the European Communities ( EC ) , as the EC prepared to give to the central bank governors by the end of 1993 increased powers in determining monetary policy .
6 A player must serve a minimum of 12 consecutive months before becoming a full member .
7 Mr Barrantes , 61 , bowed out of the 1985 presidential elections after coming second in the first ballot .
8 This general population survey was of 15 411 men and women screened between 1972 and 1976 and providing 231 888 subject years of follow up to 31 December 1990 .
9 FIGURE 5.1 Different ways of acquiring volatiles .
10 He will be working on 10 different projects including building a causeway to help local people during the flood season and assisting with rhino conservation .
11 Six gritty months of fumbling with biros and over-read text books in A level tedium were wiped nut .
12 The Necromundans were to be in the fortress-monastery for six imperial months before suffering their initiatory hazing at the hands of older cadets .
13 I 'd heard from a sceptic that there were only six basic shots in surfing photography and everything else was just window dressing .
14 Six alternative ways of linking together the daily prices between 1982 and 1989 were used , and some substantial differences in the results were observed .
15 The inspectorate had six major methods of responding to a prima facie case of violation .
16 The velocity of propagation was measured in cm/ second as the mean of 10 consecutive values by determining the time interval in seconds between the beginning of the upstroke of the contractions at 5 and 15 cm above the lower oesophageal sphincter and then dividing 10 ( the distance in cm between the proximal and distal ports ) by that figure .
18 These verses mention six important things about telling others about Jesus :
19 Our finding that only one in 10 asymptomatic patients with know connective tissue disease had a manometric abnormality is at variance with previous studies in patients with scleroderma and mixed connective tissue disease .
20 One of the six proposed tests for confirming brain-stem death is that ‘ No respiratory movements occur when the patient is disconnected from the mechanical ventilator for long enough to ensure that the arterial carbon dioxide tension rises above the threshold for stimulating respiration . ’
21 There are at least eight basic steps in preparing a presentation , the final one being the delivery itself :
22 As in the other chapters , this chapter looks at three broad approaches to explaining the growth of government .
23 The first four of these were generally school-wide roles , and three broad styles of implementing these emerged :
24 Its symptom pattern represents a final common pathway resulting from the interplay of three broad classes of predisposing factors shown in figure 2 .
25 He has played three reserve games since recovering from a calf injury .
26 Small has played three reserve games since returning from injury and knows make or break time will come within the next month .
27 The decision impugned is a decision by the board of Lautro on 30 October 1990 to exercise its intervention powers so as to prohibit Norwich Union Life Insurance Society ( ‘ Norwich ’ ) and three associated companies from accepting any new investment business from Winchester or from soliciting investment business from the public through Winchester or any of its representatives .
28 Members expressed disappointment at this decision and three possible ways of taking the issue forward were suggested :
29 Given these problems , there are three possible ways of coping .
30 So we have three possible points for defining the beginning of the Edwardian Era .
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