Example sentences of "[num] [prep] [Wh pn] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nine patients experienced minor leakage , six of whom were over the age of 50 ; such leakage , however , was of mucus only and of minor degree in five of the six patients , and the sole patient who experienced minor faecal leakage was assessed within six months of operation and has in fact improved after longer follow up .
2 Twelve members of dissident groups , six of whom were from the Association for the Defence of Political Rights ( Adepo ) and four from the Free Art Association ( Apal ) , campaigning for a multiparty system and free elections , were arrested before or during the Congress .
3 The vote by their colleagues in Glasgow , two thirds of whom were in favour of a strike , is equally understandable : the small band of 550 suspect that their factory is doomed no matter if some part of the firm is rescued .
4 The newly formed independent human rights organization Organisation Marocaine des Droits de L'Homme ( OMDH ) ( see p. 36244 ) claimed on July 26 , 1989 , that there remained a total of 226 political prisoners in Morocco , 12 of whom had been condemned to death and 33 of whom were in indefinite solitary confinement .
5 Official figures put the casualties at seven dead and 22 wounded , but independent sources estimated that 16 demonstrators and two policemen had been killed and 350 demonstrators injured , 66 of whom were in critical condition .
6 It was interesting to note , in view of CATE pressures to involve teacher-tutors , that there were only six bought-in staff , five of whom were in one institution .
7 One patient had a combined cholecystoscopy and endoscopic sphincterotomy to clear stones from the gall bladder and bile duct , leaving two patients with a failed clearance , one of whom is without symptoms ( patient IV ) .
8 Under the present arrangement , single week Championship Series are guaranteed six top-rated players , although much to the surprise of four tournament directors , one of whom is on the Tour Board , the word ‘ guaranteed ’ has been changed to read ‘ Tour goal ’ .
9 Mr. A. J. Beith ( On behalf of the House of Commons Commission ) : The Computer Officer , who has responsibility to both Houses for computer developments planned for Parliament as a whole , has a staff of two assistant computer officers , one of whom is on secondment to the House , and one full-time and one part-time secretary .
10 A marriage celebrated between two persons , one of whom is at the time validly married , is in any case void ; and any person knowingly entering into such a marriage is guilty of bigamy .
11 Seven out of ten of these employees worked for the seven largest employers , all but one of whom were in the motor vehicle , mechanical engineering and electrical engineering sectors .
12 There was a crew change at Nairobi comprising the two pilots , two flight engineers ( one of whom was under training ) and a loadmaster .
13 Thus in a case in 1969 , where the 10-year-old child born in England of Spanish parents had been very unhappy during the seventeen months he had spent with them in Spain , and had then lived happily for several years with foster parents and their six children in England , the court refused to make an order that care and control should be granted to the parents , one of whom was in poor health .
14 The other two members of the department , one of whom was in her probationary year , were more systematic .
15 Sir Thomas was quite willing to try , even though ‘ four gentlemen , two of whom are of another communion ’ , had declined to sign the petition .
16 In this instance he invited the top private housebuilders , designers and architects in Britain to a lunch at Kensington palace , and put them together with members of his advisory group , two of whom were in wheelchairs .
17 They were supported by a phalanx of the Senior Management , only one or two of whom were in black .
18 Traces of explosives were found on the clothing of the three accused , two of whom were in the back seat of the vehicle and one in the front passenger seat .
19 Working on the template agreed with his fellow coaches , McGeechan and Douglas Morgan , Dixon has brought a dynamism to the driving mauls , mostly triggered from clean lineout ball , which had seemed largely beyond the Scottish Exiles — four of whom are in the pack — when they attempted to deploy that tactic during the inter-district championship .
20 The original intention had been for the Quins players , seven of whom were in England 's Grand Slam squad , to have Easter off .
21 And then there were eight Hearthwares , seven of whom were in full armour .
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