Example sentences of "[num] [noun sg] [vb past] one [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , not only is there no predictability as to how a case will be categorised , there is also no ex post rationality that can be achieved by juxtaposing a series of cases and asking why one case went one way and another was decided differently .
2 We tested children in pairs so that each child in the pair observed visual illusions from different angles such that one child saw one kind of illusory view and the partner saw an opposite but equally conflicting view .
3 In Chester one shop had one copy left and would save it for me if I could get there that afternoon .
4 ‘ Ummmm … there was a split in the fact that one person had one record label and the other person had another , and he also had KLF as well .
5 There 's no animosity within my region on the fact that one person felt one thing and one felt another and as democratic trade unionists there should n't be any in-fighting or animosity just because we need to discuss something on which we disagree .
6 One company had one planner , whilst another had 50 planners .
7 Oh sorry so that 's that 's what it 's what it 's about so what we want to do then over these next two days is to develop the skills of design and delivery and will allow us to do that allow us to improve our performance despite the fact that we do have the nerves and by practice by doing it by putting yourself in the situation where you have to make a presentation and almost as one chap said one time sitting there actually with your sitting there remembering he said actually volunteer to make presentations to the other people there .
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