Example sentences of "[num] [noun sg] [be] that [subord] " in BNC.

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1 One difficulty is that whereas in London , London English is felt to be appropriate in nearly all situations , Creole is appropriate only in some of these .
2 One advantage is that if for any reason the storage system becomes unused the building may be used for other purposes .
3 One factor was that although the motor car made up only one third of all motor vehicles , it was yet seen as the crux of the motor problem ( Plowden , 1971 ) .
4 One argument is that if building the CIT involves cutting into present research programmes then it may be preferable to run the present experiments for longer .
5 One argument is that if Banks cancelled debts , Third World countries would only borrow more .
6 One explanation is that when visitors to West Africa pointed at the land around them and asked its name the local people though they were indicating a group of nearby women .
7 one of the criticisms that has come out on this one book was that because the , these child adults are skilled and put into education , they maybe still illiterate , but they are street wise , they are literate of the street
8 One risk was that if they did n't act there was a gunman on the loose , desperate , he 's after all escaped from prison , possibly in a confined space in a block of flats with a vantage point .
9 One problem is that although they stay slim they grow very tall , up to 11ft in six years .
10 One problem is that although the phenomenon of acid rain is not in doubt the actual cause has not been firmly established .
11 One problem is that once closure is mooted congregations may melt away , services may become less frequent and the will to continue is eroded .
12 One problem is that as younger , fitter people have dropped out of the pool , premiums have had to rise dramatically .
13 One view is that since France and Britain have developed only semi-token nuclear deterrents , they only require semi-token space programmes .
14 The scheme of the 1954 Act is that if the lease is more than six months ( which is presumably the situation in your case ) and the premises are occupied for the purposes of your business , then the lease does not automatically come to an end .
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