Example sentences of "[num] [vb base] been [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sixty-seven parties fought the election of 1991 ; 29 won seats in parliament ; a dozen have been jockeying for seats in coalition governments .
2 Millwall with 5 wins in 8 have been roaring towards promotion , but on Saturday Brian Horton 's men were masters of the ring .
3 An army of 2000 have been reporting for duty … tables to set … glasses to clean … crates of bottles to wheel in …
4 The two have been working on the wackier areas of the music biz for many years ‘ dabbling in whatever takes our fancy ’ as Jim puts it .
5 The two have been talking about the refurbishment since 1984 .
6 The Guildford Four have been canvassing for Jeremy Corbyn in Islington .
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