Example sentences of "[num] [num] [coord] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 yeah , I got f I got , my total marks I could 've got was fifty eight and I got fifty four and she gave me a C and she said must improve your marks .
2 Ah well I can let me er say this , er you , you know how some programmes er you can have erm oh you may not know excuse me erm there are certain programmes which you can er put in eight eight eight and you get captions
3 Er comes easily well we have here two hundred and forty eight but you know , say two hundred and fifty to three hundred pounds .
4 Lot forty eight a Style number six now showing , thank you , Lot forty eight and I have three hundred offered , three twenty , three fifty three hundred and fifty pounds , any more at three fifty ?
5 It was a it was a little Italian restaurant with about forty six and we went at regional conference and it was astounding !
6 But this is the crew and the picture that flew to Colesfield on the tenth of October of forty three and we had nothing out of the ordinary to report about that mission and that was the Gdynia Mission the day before , it certainly stands out on our minds because of the length of it and then of course the next one on the fourteenth of October to Schweinfurt which changed our lives .
7 And Lot forty three is an H M V one O one and a Columbia as well thank you , Lot forty three and I have forty offered for these , any more at forty ?
8 Now if I could just remind you of what 's happened at the Lyndford Haven er er , Synod , last March erm , the Financial Committee have suggested that we should go for a target of five hundred and ten thousand but er , this is we are not gon na be able to even start looking at the eleven and a half thousand if if er all the provinces do it for months and more and we , I think very bravely or foolishly whatever way you li , look at it , proposed that we should got to five hundred and forty thousand and it looks as thought we 're gon na end up certainly nearer to five ten than five forty .
9 Forty thousand and you paid
10 in the , in the sense that i if , if you look , i if you adopt a sort of retrospective view , I E if you look back from say anything after nineteen forty nine and you say look , hold on erm this was the final stage of the revolution .
11 We moved into Sunnyside Road in nineteen forty five and we moved into erm Stroud Green Road
12 I mean , if you did get one that was n't forty five and you did n't see it , it would n't be a problem for the
13 Well we got married in nineteen forty one and I lived first of all in Sussex where erm my mother was living because my husband went into the Air Force and he was erm away for five years , well we had a lot of bombing in the early part of the war in Sussex and my father eventually came here to Harlow thinking we were getting away from it and of course we came right into the V er what was it ?
14 Since 1945 this figure is put at 12 million and we have recently seen dramatic examples of the same desperate remedy by the boat people of Vietnam and those escaping from Cuba .
15 But er , it lasted , I was forty seven and it did n't finish till I was about sixty !
16 so that eight sevens are fifty six and I carry on from there , but you ca n't do that
17 And you think that 's not just a sort of relatively recent phenomenon in the sense of you know , the sort of mid nineteen thirties or you think it 's always been there ?
18 I was just there for Type ninety , and he has a wall of books in his living room that — the shells are some kind of Danish wall system from nineteen fifty-five and it seemed , you know , that the shelves were slightly saggy , a few nicks and scrapes , so it 's not new looking at all .
19 There 's a very old study by Walker and Guest nineteen fifty-two and I think you might find the findings may reflect the fifties quite a lot , found that seventy percent of assembly line workers erm initiated upwards communication .
20 We at the Institute research into those disasters erm for which we currently have an expertise , as it were , but erm our group was founded actually at the beginning of erm the nineteen seventies and we have specialised quite a lot into looking at famine food erm emergencies and nutritional and medical engineering , sanitation aspects of famines , and lately we 've included in that erm quite of lot of , of work , research work into refugees , the cause of refugees , the prevention of refugees , the alleviation of suffering of refugees , particularly in developing countries .
21 We heard it in nineteen eighty and we heard it again in nineteen eighty seven in pursuance of the House Builders Federation 's er views .
22 And this was a particularly popular view in the nineteen sixties and you found lots of people arguing that the American system needed reform that here was the president who was hamstrung by congress , or in the er in the er question I 've set in the , in the programme , you know , the president is less Gulliver in Lilliput , you know , as more like Pinocchio in Lilliput erm that the president has enormous responsibilities , that the nation looks to the president , the world looks to the president but the president ca n't do anything and that you need an increase in presidential power .
23 Their turnover has threbled to over six million and they employ ninety people , twice as many as last year .
24 This time we start off with six hundred and we take away thirty per cent .
25 I du n no erm , no I do n't like them at all it 's in fact I 'm not even impressed with it I mean you look at the people with G six hundred and you look at the fifty six
26 Well , six fifty I got if for like , I try give him a six hundred and he ummed and ahhed and then he said well he said well I 'll take the six hundred he said , can you manage the hundred quid over the next five or six weeks ?
27 I mean I was n't born until nineteen thirty and I mean I I I can remember Jim well so he did n't die until probably nineteen forty .
28 Lot fifty three is an Edison Gem there it is you can see it now Lot fifty three and I have a hundred and fifty offered for this , sixty , one seventy , one eighty ninety , two hundred two hundred , yes , two hundred and twenty , two forty , two sixty two sixty near the back seated , any more ?
29 Well we know that they plan to have fourteen planes in operation by nineteen ninety six and I reckon that will raise their cost of operations to something over six hundred million pounds .
30 Lot a hundred and thirty three now showing , thank you , Lot one three three and I have five hundred offered and fifty , six hundred and fifty , seven hundred seven hundred pounds , any more ?
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