Example sentences of "[num] [coord] his [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Neither Henry V nor his son had placed the solution to the problem of Aquitaine ( the old feudal problem ) high in his list of priorities .
2 He returned to Liverpool in 1885 and his father died in 1887 .
3 Henry V and his son employed some whose names can be spotted on muster rolls , not infrequently fulfilling a specialist capacity , especially in the artillery trains .
4 Those who imagined that Napoleon III and his consort lived in a sort of perpetual Bacchanal would have been sadly disappointed by the reality , for off stage their life-style was as sedate as that of Victoria and Albert .
5 Graham Tennant , 81 , has been writing poetry for a hobby since he was 10 and his poem Looking Back taking a humorous look at the Biblical tale of Sodom and Gomorrah has been judged one of the top ten funniest poems in a national competition judged by comedian Ronnie Corbett .
6 His father died when Laidler was thirteen and his family moved south , eventually settling in the village of Jordans , Buckinghamshire .
7 Comedian Tom O'Connor plays off a handicap of 10 but his Christmas offering From The Wood to the Tees ( Robson , £10.95 ) comes up to scratch .
8 Former Central Intelligence Agency officer Thomas Clines , the chief arms broker in the Iran-contra operation , was indicted by a grand jury in Baltimore on Feb. 22 on four charges arising from false income tax returns for 1985 and 1986 and his failure to report the existence of foreign bank accounts .
9 He received the Dale medal in 1971 and his publications included chapters in more than twenty texts , and over 100 original papers in scientific periodicals .
10 Yet by the time George VI and his wife had guided Britain through the war and their daughter had come to the throne , the monarchy seemed stronger than ever .
11 The contrast with the united front Louis VI and his troops presented to the emperor Henry V in 1124 was marked .
12 So the reigns of Louis VI and his son proved a decisive turning-point in the history of the French monarchy .
13 Both Henry VI and his father had devastated the Roman Patrimony and made the popes their victims .
14 His mother died when he was three and his father remarried .
15 He was murdered in 1969 and his assassin did not hesitate to put the blame on the ‘ big men ’ .
16 Masson died in Lower Edmonton 5 November 1853 and his wife followed two years later , leaving two children .
17 Most Tories — whatever the Whigs might charge — were not Jacobites , and could genuinely continue to remain Tories after the Glorious Revolution without wishing to see James II or his heirs restored to the throne .
18 His mother , whom he had adored , had died when he was sixteen and his father had then married a much younger woman to whom Freddie had taken an instant dislike .
19 It all began 40 years ago when David was 18 and his father started him off farming at Mowbray House .
20 He eventually whittled it down to eighteen thousand and his successors have since reduced the number even more dramatically .
21 In the 1670s the Hudson 's Bay Company must have looked like one of the least important overseas concerns that Charles II and his government had to handle .
22 Finally , in 1571 , the Emperor Maximilian II and his wife paid a visit on foot to the Jewish quarter , and were welcomed under a traditional canopy by the Rabbi and the mayor , Mordechai Maizl .
23 The early 1330s , therefore , saw the renewal of English involvement in Scotland and in 1334 David II and his wife fled to France for asylum , a development which in its turn seriously complicated England 's relations with France .
24 In 1684 Croom , a printer of Bride Lane had such a press which was patronised by Charles II and his court mingling with the crowds on the ice .
25 VICTIMS : The killing of Nicholas II and his family shocked the world .
26 William III is really William IV ( and we 're not talking William of Orange , who was variously known as Sweet William and Stinking Billy on the opposing sides of the religious divide in Ulster ) : the Daily Telegraph City Diary notes that Microsoft Corp chairman William Gates III is really William Gates IV but his dad wanted to seem more of a regular guy to his army pals and so he promoted himself to William Gates Jr .
27 He was a distant cousin to James IV but his father had been exiled to France so he had been reared and educated in the French fashion .
28 His mother looked about twenty-five and his brother looked like a hermaphrodite Greek deity .
29 Charles I and his Parliament quarrelled , and this led to the Civil War of the 1640s which ended with the defeat and execution of the King and , in 1649 , the establishment of a republic .
30 John Garmston Hopkins died at Belmont House , Worcester , on 22 January 1871 and his father commissioned Francis Charles Earl of Worcester Broad Street to immortalize the lad in a photograph destined for the churchyard memorial .
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