Example sentences of "[num] [conj] [verb] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Wendy Phillips shows you how on page 30 and do n't forget to look at the countryside in July with Iris Bishop on page 60 .
2 The Labour Party 's 1,300-member central committee convened in Tel Aviv on March 12 and voted overwhelmingly to give the party 's executive committee ( comprising its 39 Knesset members and a further 87 senior officials ) authority to take whatever action it thought necessary to advance the peace process .
3 When he applied to the court for permission to marry , as he was required to do since he was under twenty-one and did not have a recognised guardian , the magistrate at Bow Street refused ‘ as he was not in favour of a British girl marrying an alien ’ .
4 These changes , in the piecemeal fashion in which the Act is being implemented , will come into force in September 1993 and have already led to what Adrian Randall , finance director of the Cancer Research Campaign , calls , ‘ some howlers ’ .
5 The device with the suffix ‘ B ’ only quotes 180 to 480 and does not attain the level we want .
6 See chapter 2 and do not look on the last fortnight as the only time to work , even if it does " concentrate your mind wonderfully " .
7 It anticipated that business failures of established companies will continue to rise into the first quarter of 192 and did not expect to see a significant fall in the level of failures for up to 18 months .
8 They might not dare to admit it , but they did n't like the changes they saw around them ; they enjoyed television 's recreations of more confident times , when they had had a country to be proud of , when people had reached maturity at forty and had not pandered to youth .
9 The label was still left with a vibrant mini-LP that débuted in the charts at number 22 and went on to sell nearly 30,000 , 6,000 of them in Israel .
10 Chancellor Norman Lamont 's push for growth will boost recovery prospects in 1993 but do little to alleviate the economic pain over the rest of the year , according to separate forecasts yesterday .
11 Moreover , both Ord.53 , r. 1(2) and s. 31(2) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 provide that declarations and injunctions ‘ may ’ be awarded under Ord. 53 but do not require an applicant for such remedy to claim under Ord. 53 .
12 THE OFFICIAL , artist-approved re-release of a private pressing from ‘ 74 that has since become a sought-after collector 's item .
13 It was at St John 's College , Cambridge , which he entered in the summer of 1784 that matters really came to a head , however .
14 I left in June 1979 and did not return to live in Britain until last summer , having missed virtually all of the Thatcher era .
15 Nurse Geeson said she had been a staff nurse on the children 's ward for ten years up to 1991 and had only come across four or five occasions when children suffered heart or respiratory attacks .
16 I am 26 and have just lost my virginity after a year-long relationship .
17 I did a little analysis on the league table last evening and found out that we 've beaten *all* the bottom six and have n't played or beaten anyone in the top nine yet !
18 It showed us that you can be 45 and do n't have to be washed up .
19 He repeated the best win of his career — over the Soviet No.1 , Andrei Mazunov , in Moscow last season — by saving a game point at 21-22 and going on to win 24-22 , 21-12 .
20 At the time of writing , ‘ Countdown To Extinction ’ was enjoying its sixth consecutive week in the US Top 10 and had already generated in excess of two million sales worldwide .
21 Tarragona Cathedral was begun in 1171 and has mainly pointed arches , but is predominantly Romanesque in its heavy construction and masonry though some of it has been rebuilt later .
22 Cecil matriculated at Trinity College , Oxford , on 16 July 1621 but did not proceed to a degree .
23 I got eighty six but do n't ask me how because I just do n't know !
24 This figure gradually declined to a low of about 25,000 in 1979 but has since climbed again , to around 125,000 in 1986 .
25 This year 's Oshkosh Grand Champion T-34 was bid to $ 175,000 but did not sell because of a reserve price reportedly in excess of $ 300,000 .
26 David , Grant and Stuart are due to complete their studies towards the end of 1995 but have already cleared the first hurdle .
27 Kelly died on December 7 but had earlier filled in an appointment for December 8 .
28 The People 's Party and the Czechoslovak Socialist Party , which functioned as proper political parties before 1948 and have since had a satellite existence , have begun to flex their muscles .
29 I took maternity leave in October 1986 and came back to work part-time in July 1987 working two and a half days each week .
30 Franklin Electronic Publishers ( formerly Franklin Computer ) effectively created the product category with their Spelling Ace which appeared in 1986 and has since sold over three million units worldwide .
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