Example sentences of "[num] [pron] [be] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 A number of the male houses were little better ; the Benedictine house of Sele had a non-resident prior in the 1460s who was given to selling off the moveable goods to keep up his life style .
2 Feast day in Bellerby used to be the Wednesday after Whitsunday , but in 1933 it was moved to Whit Monday as people no longer had a holiday on this day .
3 At the end of his pupillage in 1872 he was sent to the United States to study developments in railways and steel-making , and on his return became assistant manager of the steelworks at Crewe .
4 From 1867 to 1872 he was articled to the architect Walter Scott of Liverpool .
5 In June 1881 he was recalled to Dublin and put in charge of the RIC 's crime division , with the task of both preventing and solving politically inspired crime .
6 Nothing came of this , but in 1591 he was appointed to his only national post , the chamberlainship of the Exchequer , setting up office on his Blackfriars property .
7 In 1985 he was appointed to a full-time lectureship in Education ( Special Needs ) .
8 When SDLP leader John Hume met the IRA in 1985 he was taken to a house — widely believed to have been in the Republic — and after a wait of 28 hours was introduced to a man who said he was an IRA spokesman .
9 William remained close to Edward II after his accession , being retained as part of the king 's household ; and in 1310–11 he was sent to Gascony as one of English commissioners at the process of Perigueux .
10 Bankrupt former entrepreneur Alan Bond was found guilty on May 29 of acting dishonestly while attempting in 1987 to organize the rescue of the Perth merchant bank , Rothwells Ltd. ; on May 30 he was sentenced to 2 & 1/2 years in prison .
11 In 1903 he was recruited to the Indian Educational Service and appointed headmaster of Karachi High School ; in 1904–6 he was also educational inspector , Sind , in addition to his duties as headmaster .
12 In 1879 he was elected to the State Senate , and in 1880 ran unsuccessfully for Congress .
13 In 1879 he was sent to England to oversee the European side of the business , and settled in Cheshire within easy reach of the textile mills of Lancashire where he placed a lot of business .
14 In 1924 she was promoted to chief of that section and in 1935 she published Labour in Agriculture , an International Survey .
15 But as a small child she was so inspired by anything to do with the theatre that at six she was sent to the Barbara Speake stage school in Acton , west London .
16 The six condemned to death , with another six who were sentenced to life imprisonment , went to the Supreme Court , whose five judges unanimously dismissed their appeals .
17 She was the only player from almost 100 who were screened to be offered a place on the squad .
18 When her kindergarten time was up , her parents engaged a modelling tutor to come in twice a week , and she was so good that at the age of 7 she was admitted to the Dover School of Art where she stayed until she was eighteen .
19 At first potential jurors were classified by ethnic group and caste , but after the 1840s they were assigned to one of three lists which were drawn up on the basis of language capability .
20 Early in March 1979 they were summoned to Rabat .
21 At the age of nineteen he was apprenticed to Isambard K. Brunel [ q.v. ] who employed him on the Thames tunnel and on some sections of the Great Western Railway .
22 In 1222 it was reported to the Council of Regency that Thomas of Milton , hereditary warden of Inglewood Forest , had under him twelve riding foresters with their underforesters , who were maintained at the expense of the Crown and the men of the king 's demesnes .
23 It was true that in the 1880s youth work had meant philanthropy and religion , whereas in the 1900s it was felt to be the responsibility of local education authorities , juvenile employment committees , after-care committees and part-time day continuation classes in liberal and vocational studies .
24 In July 1991 he was transferred to 9 avril Prison in Tunis .
25 On 11 May 1991 he was taken to hospital suffering from 18 bruises and a bite mark .
26 On 26 March 1991 he was returned to Safi Prison and in protest he began a hunger-strike which resulted in his falling into a coma , due to his illness , a few days later .
27 In 1759 he was apprenticed to the civil engineer John Smeaton [ q.v. ] , for whom his father had worked on the new Eddystone lighthouse .
28 In 1929 he was recalled to Rome to take part — with his lawyer brother — in the final negotiations over the Lateran Treaty .
29 In 1898 he was appointed to the Bank of England 's court , and joined its influential committee of treasury in 1915 .
30 In 1582 and 1586 he served Leicester in the Netherlands and later in 1586 he was returned to Parliament for Callington , Cornwall .
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