Example sentences of "[num] [prep] [adj] who [verb] " in BNC.

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1 4–0 for those who did n't see the other posts , plus our man Vinnie managed to miss a penalty , just to add to the fun , according to my BBC World Service report this side of the Atlantic .
2 A comparison of patients who achieved complete symptomatic relief ( global clinical grade of 0 ; defined as less than three motions per day , with formed stools , no urgency , mucus , or blood ) showed 18 of 32 in the 5-ASA group compared with 12 of 31 who used bismuth ( χ 2 1.94 ; p=0.16 ) .
3 The Peruvian military reacted with force during the Pamplona invasion in May 1971 , when they tried to evict the tens of thousands who had participated in this huge squatter invasion in Lima , with the result that there were several injuries and one death ( Collier 1975 ) .
4 The thousands of East German refugees in West German embassies , the tens of thousands who have poured out to the West through Hungary are a terrible and unending indictment of his Stalinist regime .
5 It is not just a matter of the tens of thousands who have streamed out of the country in recent weeks , via Budapest , Prague and Warsaw .
6 On the Twelfth of July each year , he would be one of tens of thousands who marched to display their common purpose and faith .
7 It would , however , be preferable to have a bile duct free of stones , and Johnson et al recently reported that in such patients initially treated with an endoprosthesis , eight of 10 who had been given ursodeoxycholic acid had cleared their stones within six months compared with only one of 10 not given this bile acid .
8 The lords agreed to this proposal immediately , and established a new council which consisted of the Archbishop of Canterbury , William of Wykeham Bishop of Winchester , and eight of those who had been appointed to the advisory committee , including March , Arundel and Stafford .
9 More disturbing was this statistic : that while seven out of eight of those who died of lung cancer were heavy smokers , only one heavy smoker in eight died of lung cancer .
10 In Carlton Road two-thirds of those who completed a questionnaire favoured the same solution and the removal of the present rumble strips .
11 Two-thirds of those who inherited a property promptly sold it .
12 Most significantly , over two-thirds of those who turned out voted for the early election of a new parliament ( not now due until 1995 ) .
13 The data seems to support the first belief : of those who had had some experience of unemployment in the previous five years , 0.480 said they would be prepared to break the law , whereas only 0.300 of those who had no such experience were ( a difference of +0.180 ) .
14 He talked of the hundreds of thousands who traded away their votes so as not to register for the community charge .
15 Few English people lived in towns with more than 10,000 people during the Tudor and Stuart period , apart from those hundreds of thousands who dwelt in the capital city .
16 Six of those who signed Dr Clarke 's papers live in Vine Street , Darlington .
17 A few had been to other universities , to Sandhurst , Dartmouth or an agricultural college , making 190 in all who had had some form of higher education .
18 Conversely , all but three of those who read a small amount or no SF ( 14 in all ) , asserted that the passage was not SF .
19 Three of those who died were pedestrians , one a driver , one a car passenger .
20 As many as one in three of those who supported the Conservatives last year refused to do so last week .
21 Sixty-five of those who voted against her in 1975 are still in the House .
22 ‘ We say we are three plus one who needs help .
23 As for the other eight including several who started this summer as bankers arguments can be made against them all .
24 In a prospective study of general practice prescribing involving more than 40 000 people over a 2-year period , Skegg et al. ( 1983 ) found that only three in a thousand of those who had received psychotropics went on to take an overdose of the drugs within the following 12 months .
25 On Dunkirk 's sunlit main street , Sid Carter marched again with five thousand of those who did make it back ; old friends reunited , new friendships established , and all remembering a very different June day .
26 Contrary to these expectations , Rose found that in a group of 36211 men followed from 5 to 23 years , two thirds of those who developed colon cancer had initial serum cholesterol values below the age sex specific values for each respective cohort .
27 For the first time , no fewer than two thirds of those who work have a qualification , and 39 per cent .
28 We are the largest independent provider of practical home care to people with HIV/AIDS in the U.K. From 7 regional offices we have provided practical care to over 1000 people in the lat 3 years and in the last 12 months we cared for at least 1 in 5 of those who died of AIDS in the U.K.
29 Eight of 10 patients who received HBIG and 5 of 6 who did not receive HBIG developed serological markers of active HBV infection .
30 It was not undertaken in 11 of those who had been subject to suffocation , five referred before the po 2 monitor was available , four patients >1 year with infrequent events , two for whom social problems resulted in a prolonged hospital stay , and one who died before admission .
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