Example sentences of "[num] [verb] be the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One major reason for Japan 's success in coping with the high cost energy environment since 1979 has been the remarkable reduction in oil ( and total energy ) use without sacrificing economic growth .
2 The number of deaths attributable to political violence since 1984 , according to the South African Institute of Race Relations ( SAIRR ) , had totalled 11,910. 1991 had been the second worst year since 1984 , but the figure of 2,672 for the year was 28 per cent down on 1990 .
3 One tripper on 1960 had been the future Black Dwarf journalist , feminist and socialist , Sheila Rowbotham , fresh out of Yorkshire Methodist boarding school and en route to Oxford .
4 Gorbachev had no doubt that the socialist choice in October 1917 had been the right one ; nor could Marx be blamed for subsequent developments he had obviously been unable to foresee .
5 The breakdown of traditional national markets , in terms of taste and fashion , coupled with the need to cope with a Europe without internal frontiers in 1992 have been the major stimuli towards growing internationalisation .
6 Compaq Computer Corp says that the restructuring of its field and reseller support operations in the US to increase interaction with its broadened customer base and provide enhanced support to its resellers ( CI No 2,148 ) , will cost about 150 field employees their jobs , but the loss will be partially offset by an as-yet-undetermined number of employees to be hired at the company 's Houston headquarters as part of the reorganisation ; the 150 to go are the last of the 1,000 jobs that it said it planned to cut in October .
7 The second symptom of change following his long residence at Lyons is this : in later years , but never earlier , Anselm occasionally used the phrase Libertas Ecclesiae , of which Hugh and Gregory VII had been the chief advocates for the last twenty years .
8 The cash increases in each of the three years up to 1992–93 have been the biggest ever .
9 The most striking change between 1975 and 1988 has been the dramatic fall in youth employment from 60% to 20% .
10 A major change in the 1980s has been the huge increase in both the choice of lenders and the range of products .
11 These loans were much larger than anything known before , running into millions when hundreds of thousands had been the previous limit .
12 The United Kingdom Meteorological Office announced at the end of November 1989 that the 1980s had been the warmest decade worldwide since records had been kept , with six out of 10 of the warmest years since the mid-19th century having occurred during this period .
13 United Airlines had reported on Jan. 16 that its final-quarter losses in 1990 had been the worst on record , and that its projections for 1991 were " even more troubling " .
14 The main sources of regional tension in the 1980s have been the civil war in El Salvador , where the United States has provided ever-increasing amounts of military aid to a succession of right-wing governments , and the role of the United States and the US-backed Contras in undermining the Sandinista government in Nicaragua .
15 Predictably , the main sufferers since fighting flared once more in June 1990 have been the civilian populations — Tamil , Sinhalese and Moslem .
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