Example sentences of "[num] [noun] tell the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On May 22 Baker told the US House of Representatives appropriations subcommittee on foreign operations that Israel 's practice of establishing Jewish settlements in the occupied territories was the biggest impediment to US efforts to achieve a Middle East peace settlement .
2 The 1881 census tells the story : Charles F. Titford was a ‘ Potman and Tobacconist ’ , with Emily as his ‘ Assistant Tobacconist ’ and mother as a general ‘ Assistant ’ .
3 On June 12 Bufi told the People 's Assembly that priority would be given to restoring supplies of food and industrial goods ; privatization would be speeded up and public expenditure cut ; international financial aid would be sought ; legislation would provide social assistance for those made unemployed by economic restructuring ; the health service would be privatized and the depoliticization of education and of the military would be encouraged .
4 At the local elections in May 1976 , the Conservatives won control of the council and on 7 June told the Secretary of State that they proposed not to implement the plans for the conversion of the five grammar schools into comprehensives and sixth-form colleges .
5 In 1976 BR told the government : ‘ Current levels of investment are quite inadequate to keep pace with the rate at which the system and its assets are running down and wearing out … to maintain the present investment ceilings would entail the progressive decline and eventual closure of a substantial proportion of the system and its services . ’
6 Normally in New York , I woulda told the muthafucka to get off my tip , y'know .
7 One driver told the interviewer : ‘ I 'm always thinking that they 're sat back in the office thinking ‘ Where has he got to ’ , and it puts you on edge so I always drive faster in a company car because time is against me . ’
8 One ex-farmer told the Sunday Life .
9 On March 1 Baker told the US House of Representatives appropriations committee that a US$400,000,000 housing loan scheme to Israel would be withheld unless Shamir 's government provided a firm commitment that it would halt all settlement activity , including the expansion of existing settlements .
10 Zero Mostel told the chairman , ‘ My dear friend , I believe in the antiquated idea that a man works in his profession according to his ability rather than his political beliefs . ’
11 They understand that we 'll all have to be in there pushing it out , ’ one Congressman told the Los Angeles Times .
12 One trooper told the inquest his machine-gun jammed twice — then started firing by itself .
13 One farmer told the authors that it cost him 194,000 Somali shillings ( $14 ) to grow 100 kilos ( 220lbs ) of maize , which he could sell for a mere 55,000 shillings at the local market .
14 One psychiatrist told the court that after teartment Gore would have to prove himself normal for years before anyone would recommend his release .
15 One official told the conference : ‘ It 's the military which is the first to make concrete use of fundamental research ’ .
16 One source told The Scotsman yesterday that if the situation deteriorated further , the pit might have to be closed temporarily and kept on a care and maintenance basis only .
17 There have been concerns for some time that IBM Corp was fast running out of cash — the UK subsidiary was reportedly ordered to factor its receivables by its parent at the end of last year after it ran out of cash for its operations , hardly a cheap way of borrowing for a blue chip company , and the Reuter report that it and IBM Credit Corp are seeking $4,600m of revolving credit in the international syndicated loan market ( see page seven ) , seems to confirm it ; at least one source told the news wire that IBM is trying to keep the arrangement very quiet , presumably to avoid generating more alarm than there already is about progress of its business .
18 But the bees not only knew the voice of their owner but also his particular smell : one bee-keeper told the writer : ‘ Whenever I go to the barber 's I 've always to tell him : ‘ Nothing on , thank you . ’
19 A one-time hater of the Japanese , the author of novels that have sold over 6 million copies tells The Bookseller how he came to want to promote understanding between east and west
20 The two lawyers told the meeting in St Margaret 's Hope that the offices were ideal for their purposes .
21 Holding beat Greig four times in one over and the two faces tell the story .
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