Example sentences of "[num] [noun] i [vb base] i " in BNC.

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1 think to myself well it 's six months I wish I 'd have done it in August , now .
2 within six months I know I 'll have no more money problems .
3 I know with mine it was a pound and , I renewed mine for two years , well three years I think I never drove , I just wanted to have a provisional , but now , I think like if someone said it was fifteen or seventeen
4 The recommendations in paragraph ten er ask you to approve the capital programme and the revenue budget and the staffing for the committee and that , that 's the increase of the one post I mean I referred to you earlier and if the committee approves this budget , will put forward to the Policy and Resources Committee on the thirty first of January which will consolidate the budgets for all the er services and make final decisions on how that 's to be and reset for the next .
5 In my case , for four or five years I think I was probably the only person that played with digital delays and two amps and all that , and it was like a new thing .
6 I think so , there 's got to be one person I mean I thought about this long and hard and there 's just no way , it can not be done by committee it would not work cos then
7 One day I know I wo n't have room for everything but for the moment I wo n't bring myself to part with something I have found , ’ she said .
8 That 's one thing I wish I looked good in sports cl Sara looks good in sports clothes .
9 When I think of what the ‘ ideal ’ look is for a girl , I always imagine it as someone looking happy , and that is the one thing I know I do n't look .
10 But one thing I think I can do and do well is a guitar solo .
11 If there 's one thing I think I 'm sure of , it 's the fact that I must marry Selina .
12 One thing I think I know now , though — where she has been hiding all this time .
13 I did at one time I know I never I do n't I never touch a thing there and I thought and he would you mind opening your carrier and I 've got sanitary towels in there
14 And at one stage I think I was carrying about three .
15 As I was picked from about a hundred applicants I think I did quite well .
16 Er twenty four address I suppose I 'd better put the house in there I bet I 'm not gon na get this finished in time now .
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