Example sentences of "[num] [noun] of [n mass] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The hardy pair transferred 30 lb of tench to 6 lb , 12 pike to 8 lb and three double-figure carp last Wednesday night in temperatures to minus eight degrees Centigrade .
2 In other words , there were approximately 43 members of staff for every national legislator divided between personal , committee , leadership and support agency staff .
3 PCR was performed using standard techniques on a PHC1 ( Techne Ltd. , Cambridge , UK ) with a regime of : 30 cycles of 94°C for 0.6 minutes , 55°C for 0.6 minutes , 72°C for 2 minutes , with the final cycle followed by 9.0 minutes at 72°C .
4 The multidimensional structure of Improv for Windows supports a robust spreadsheet design , so that users can display , arrange an manipulate up to 12 categories of data with a worksheet at one time .
5 For example , 50 users working simultaneously with , say , 20 different blocks of multimedia data each of 100 megabytes implies 100 gigabytes of data in the network !
6 Advanced Micro Devices Inc lost a crucial six months of sales in the 80486 market after Judge William Ingram ruled late on Wednesday last week that the company does not have rights to copy any of Intel Corp 's microcode under their 1976 contract .
7 Six members of staff at a Darlington department store will be able to assist deaf customers after passing a sign-language course .
8 There are about 30,000 species of fish in the world and some 250 of these are actively venomous , possessing spines and venom glands .
9 Erm our special needs provision was a erm a scale six member of staff with no prior experience who 'd had a rop ropy probation year anyway ,
10 As a rule , allow 5 cm to 7 cm of fish for every 900 sq cm of water surface .
11 Of 133 battalions of infantry in the Spanish army in 1751 twenty-eight were composed of foreigners ; and it was seriously proposed in that year to raise twenty more abroad .
12 For example , in 1900 anglers caught 30,000 kg of salmon in the seven main rivers in southern Norway , but since 1970 no salmon have been taken .
13 The 1990–91 figure of £50,000 under Continuing Education was set aside for a pupillage sinking fund .
14 Police are hunting a gang of armed robbers who 've invaded three homes of people in their eighties .
15 Newfoundlanders were mortified on the very day of their 40th anniversary to learn that Ottawa had agreed that France could fish an extra 11000 tonnes of cod from these east coast waters .
16 Your fruit allowance amounts to three pieces of fruit per day .
17 By sticking to a glass of juice a day , removing skin from the chicken , and having three pieces of fruit in the evening instead of all the snacks would bring the calories down to 2,300 .
18 I have found all three colourings of bream in light-bottomed waters , in dark-bottomed waters , in shallow waters , in deep waters , and in waters with both dark and light and deep and shallow areas .
19 On the staff side we have recruited nine individuals , er , but since we 've lost three members of staff at the same time , that is a net increase of six , and since most of them are part-time , there 's actually only three full-time equivalents , we 've been able to do that entirely within the we had on establishments at work .
20 This can be illustrated with reference to three sets of data on the differential use of imprisonment .
21 The invoices the accountants rendered for work done under the agreement amounted to £11,690 and the payments by the Ledingham-Smiths totalled £14,000 — the three payments of £4,000 plus two payments of £1,000 under the banker 's order .
22 There were indeed three men of £200 at Cirencester , a major centre of the West of England wool trade , but they had few peers locally ; Newbury had four big clothiers , including the son of the legendary John Winchcombe , who was worth £630 , but here too there was no concentration of wealth comparable with that of Suffolk .
23 The spreadsheet uses a three-dimensional technique , up to 256 pages of data with each page being 256 cells by 256 cells .
24 As a rule of thumb , the author designs these mains-voltage tracks in 2.5mm wide section ( which is good for up to 5 Amps of 1.5mm to 2mm minimum where possible .
25 This year the department has carried out around 30,000 changes of address to some of the 102,000 member records and around 43,000 changes of data to the 45,000 firm and office records .
26 She began a letter a month after their arrival with the words , ‘ Here we are in a large mansion , in a large park , with seventy head of deer around us ’ , before going on to describe a house which contained ‘ furniture enough for a dozen families like ours ’ .
27 In the absence of any turnaround in the fourth quarter , ICI can only just afford to pay the maintained 1992 dividend of 55.0p at a cost of about £400 million from ‘ clean ’ earnings per share of 48.8p .
28 The diversity of form and behaviour among the several thousand species of fish in the world is enormous , but there are probably just two , very different , examples of tool use among them .
29 A further 25 Mb of data at a 1 : 3 000 000 scale will also be stored .
30 Analysis of the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer ( TOMS ) data indicates local increases in the tropical O 3 column of 2% in July , but decreases of 1% in August and 3–4% in September ( Table 1 ) .
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