Example sentences of "[num] [noun] it is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Although the glass-rubber transition itself does not depend on polymer structure , the temperature at which T g is observed depends largely on the chemical nature of the polymer chain and for most common synthetic polymers lies between 170 and 500 K. It is quite obvious that T g is an important characteristic property of any polymer as it has an important bearing on the potential application of a polymer .
2 The picture which has emerged over the last five or six years it is very different than the one painted above .
3 There is also considerable evidence ( as marshalled by Ingram 1975 ) to suggest that up to the age of six years it is mainly short , simple but still hierarchically structured sentences that the child is able to produce .
4 When a team loses five or six games it is too easy to accept another defeat .
5 In a world where , far from becoming ‘ paperless ’ , our output of printed material is doubling every three years it is hardly surprising that any attempt to increase our efficient use of paper is rapidly accepted .
6 Of three books on the nervous system G. M. Shepherd 's Neurobiology is called an introduction but since it is a systematic study of 600 pages it is rather more than that for most of us .
7 On one level it is yet another accident , and on a second level it is inevitable , it must be so because it belongs here and nowhere else , as the foreign restaurant bill belongs to a novel about human birds of passage , and as the whistle belongs to a novel , in fact the only late Dostoevsky novel , with no children in it but haunted by the toys of absent innocence and peace : the governor of ‘ our province ’ where these crazy terrible events take place was disappointed in love as a young man and consoled himself by making a paper theatre with curtains , actors , audience , orchestra , conductor — the lot .
8 At one level it is very much a play about sexual attraction and frustration .
9 Clearly there is something very important going on in this move , and at one level it is indeed a necessary corrective to the textual isolationism of much modernist criticism .
10 When many of these are taken by one person it is still useful for him or her to ensure that the separate responsibilities are kept in balance — and essential if the work is to be of use to other teachers .
11 It is a typical Karajan project because in one respect it is enormously sophisticated — the technology is elaborate , expensive , and bang up to date — and in another it is very simple , inasmuch as its ultimate aim is nothing more or less than the lucid presentation of the music .
12 In one sense it is simply a matter of keeping the value far ahead of the cost .
13 However , for $700 a seat for five users it is still very sexy stuff .
14 For one thing it is notoriously elastic , and not entirely passive .
15 I think the reason the British like it so much is for one thing it is normally sunny , there are some shots outside when it is rainy and overcast , but it comes across as bright and cheerful and it is an ideal sort of world .
16 For one thing it is too small ; for another it is too directly dependent on the state institutions which pay its wages .
17 That is one reason it is so keen that East European products , especially its competitive farm products , should have free access to West European markets .
18 In one way it is more limited , in that it is restricted to rodents , but in another it is less limited because rodent incisors are less variable between rodent taxonomic groups than are the molars .
19 If the mortar has only one crewman it is only fire every other turn .
20 For these two reasons it is hardly any wonder that Tolkien balked , and that the Unfinished Tales in particular show a mind searching in different directions .
21 Of the two methods it is generally agreed that ‘ write black ’ is much better at fine lines and accurate reproduction of small typeface sizes while ‘ write white ’ is best for large areas of solid black .
22 Mr Threlfall said : ‘ The standards we regularly achieve in County Durham exceed the national requirement of 19 minutes it is regularly 18 and a half minutes . ’
23 The memory begins to dim a bit after one concentrated day 's interviewing and after 48 h it is often a question of ‘ what candidate was that ’ ?
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