Example sentences of "[num] [noun] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Intel Corp has no intention of consigning its 80486 processor to the scrapheap when it launches the Pentium , and later this year it will come out with a 100MHz clock-tripler 80486DX3 version of the part , US PC Week reports .
2 The bondholders elected their committee representatives , i.e. eight bondholders to the Club 's four ordinary members .
3 One night , miners hit a 60-metre lens of water beneath London 's Pimlico , an unlucky strike which added eight months to the operation .
4 It was 4 oz here , 3 oz there , 2 oz to the head — I am sure most embalmers will understand , but not all funeral directors .
5 Batch cycle times were reduced from 3 hours 30 minutes to the present 3 hours and occupation inceased from 80% to 90% .
6 An average British pasture with 50,000 earthworms to the acre has been estimated to produce about 10 tons of casts ( or in. of topsoil ) per annum .
7 The Bank of Thailand issued a circular to all the country 's banks on Feb. 27 ordering them to give financial information about 22 ex-ministers to the AVC .
8 It was sold by Violet 's trustees to Marcus Wickham Boynton who in 1948 sold 154 acres to the Air Ministry for Carnaby airfield .
9 Fluka 's philosophy of continual development of both product range and customer service has led over the last 12 months to the company becoming an integral part of the SAF Bulk Chemical Service .
10 Home Office figures published yesterday show that 49,200 people were accepted for settlement in the 12 months to the end of September .
11 The action project began on 1 April 1984 and any people aged 65 or over who were referred to the hospital psychogeriatric service during the 12 months to the end of March 1985 and who were diagnosed as suffering from dementia , became members of the action sample if they lived in the action area , and of the control sample if their home was in the control area ( so long as they were not living permanently in an institution at the time of referral and they or their carers gave consent for their inclusion ) .
12 A total of 5.1 million notifiable offences were recorded by the police in the 12 months to the end of September 1991 , the latest period for which firm figures are available .
13 He described the results for the 12 months to the end of March as ‘ the best we could have hoped for ’ .
14 Figures for people waiting between one and two years for treatment had also dropped by around 400 to 4,355 in the 12 months to the end of February .
15 In the 12 months to the end of March last year , BET 's pre-tax profits slumped to £18.5 million , from £217 million the previous year .
16 Results for the 12 months to the end of December are expected shortly along with an announcement on the progress of loan renegotiations .
17 When I reviewed the GR-50 back in December ‘ 91 , I went into some detail regarding the fitting of the GK-2 pickup to the guitar of your choosing .
18 2 Reference to the track index
19 Roping up , we moved together for 200 to 300 feet to the foot of the first big ice pitch in the corner system .
20 How come you got ta give forty tapes to the lady then ?
21 their debut single reissued on limited edition CD and seven-inch format , 30 years to the day after it was originally released
22 The level of owner occupation in Britain has increased rapidly during the last 30 years to the point where nearly two out of every three households either own or are buying their own home .
23 Just after the end of the Falklands conflict , my second husband died , suddenly and unexpectedly , almost forty years to the day after he had been wounded and taken prisoner at Tobruk while serving with the Royal Durban Light Infantry in the ill-fated 2nd South African Division .
24 Most significantly , attitudes to animal welfare and conservation have changed radically in the last forty years to the point that they are among the most important six issues for the future and will dominate debate .
25 In elections to the Aargau grand council on March 5 , 1989 , the national coalition parties lost 12 seats to the Car Party ( Autopartei ) , supporting the rights of car owners — see p. 34252 ) hitherto unrepresented in Aargau and six to the Greens ( who now had a total of 11 ) .
26 The treaty of Troyes made Henry V heir to the crown of France .
27 Since this time she has campaigned 30 dogs to the title of Champion , and she and her daughter Julia bred and owned the all-time top winning King Charles , Champion Curtana Morgana .
28 Eventually the conditions are just right and the tow planes move into action , hauling more than forty gliders to the start point .
29 It landed in the sand , hopping on to the upslope and , when Lyle got there , he knew he could hit it the required 140 yards to the pin .
30 He resisted the temptation to kick the radio in after the fish then sprinted the forty yards to the cabin where he made a telephone call to acknowledge the bleeper .
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