Example sentences of "[num] [noun] and [pron] 've " in BNC.

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1 Yeah that looks about the right sort of thing , cos it was fifty ohms and we 've put , I mean it 's not that much small you know it 's not going to let , it should let about half as much through as that lets through this should n't it ?
2 That 's what has happened in world football for the last 10 years and we 've just started doing it .
3 Just six weeks till the end of term because I 've got my books for six weeks and they 've used , date stamped in them is the last day of term ca n't be bad can it ?
4 I mean I 've lived in here for the last fourtee thirteen years and I 've lived in Northern Ireland and Bradford and all sorts .
5 ‘ I 've produced six albums and I 've had enough of producing , ’ he says .
6 Yeah , but you ca n't say that because I know someone with six children and they 've
7 Yes I 've phoned and I 've written three times and I 've written to his mother our official letter , official no headed notepaper she 's not there , she works as a nurse does n't she ?
8 right , that 's it , you 've , you 've told me this three times and I 've told you several times as well , the , the Russians put everything they 've got into military technology , just because , just because their kids are still running around
9 They say well we 've offered you three blocks and you 've turned them all down and you say well yes but you 've offered us blocks not not
10 They 've had plenty of reason to , to mar put up a marker in the three weeks and we 've spent the next three or four weeks after that discussing it .
11 I ought to be home in three days and I 've made a deal with Henry .
12 they , if , I mean , if the pass mark is ninety percent and I 've already decided it 's worth a pass then I give it ninety percent you see !
13 Do you know I 've served in the Army for thirty three years and I 've commanded every thing at every level in the infantry which both these gentlemen have been in , from a platoon right up now to a brig er brigade and I can honestly tell you that I have n't seen more than a couple of incidents of bullying in the whole of that time .
14 We 've been saying the same thing for the last three years and I 've got the minutes here to prove it .
15 They would begin to know that putting a little eighth note right before the next bar meant anticipation and that made things easier because , if you have a half hour lesson and they want to learn something by Iron Maiden , and you want to show them a dorian mode in three octaves and they 've got to show you their chords in four or five positions , you 've got to work fast !
16 and I 've had three accidents and I 've been stationery every time , so somebody 's done something to me , so I 've had three
17 eighty nine thousand , I need another go round and another thousand pound and I 've won because I 've got me two thingybobs
18 They 've been married for 11 years and they 've always been so happy .
19 if we 've given ourselves a budget of four thousand pounds and we 've ear
20 The biggest battle for the Macintyre expedition has been finding the funds … the trip is costing seventy to eighty thousand pounds and they 've still not raised all the money … but the charity 's patron the Duchess of York is planning to join them at Everest Base camp … that ’ ll wave the magic wand … will they make it
21 Nanny 's not going without you , we 're just going to get in another car park , right but nanny 's got to nip in that shop quickly cos look , we 're late picking Ben up , we 've only got ten minutes and we 've got to be at , be at the nursery , alright , and nanny 's gone into that shop and we 're now gon na drive round the other side of that , that square and then erm , nanny will be back , alright ?
22 My parents are gon na be here in it 's twenty to eight , they were , they said they 'd be here in ten minutes and I 've got to run down .
23 ‘ I 've been an Overseas ’ Corporation Executive for the last ten years and I 've always been told that the reason the Corporation could n't pay me the salary it paid to Americans doing similar work was because my salary had to be related to British salary scales . ’
24 Now you are actually going to be guinea pig for me because I 've been doing these for about ten years and I 've decided for ten years is getting perhaps a little stale .
25 Because if they do n't know about it the mother or the father of that child will no doubt be coming along screaming I 've been getting twenty five pounds a week for the last ten years and I 've child on my own now .
26 I 've been in the trade for 29 years and I 've never known it this bad .
27 Well it 's , look he passed the hundred and fifty metre mark , ten seconds later he passed the two hundred and fifty metre mark , how far did he run in ten seconds and you 've put down a hundred metres
28 It has just one pickup and we 've talked about the idea of doing a version of it with a pickup in the bridge that you can mix in too .
29 I 've put an apple tree down one side and I 've got a victoria plum on the other side .
30 Um so erm I did have some I did have some references on this which erm unfortunately I I put to one side and I 've succeeded in losing so erm I did n't get the chance to put them on the handout but erm I 'm just alerting you to that area of debate and that area of enquiry .
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