Example sentences of "[num] [noun] [adv] [vb base] to " in BNC.

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1 Be on your guard as you travel — 2 pairs certainly seem to be .
2 Thirteen families still have to be contacted , but hospital officials are confident they will be able to trace them .
3 Nine out of 10 people now listen to the radio for about three hours every day , despite having more TV stations than ever to choose from , according to the Cultural Trends report for 1993 .
4 Although it is widely agreed that successful innovations need to couple R&D , manufacturing , and marketing activities to ensure that new products can be manufactured at reasonable cost and are attractive to consumers , it is not completely obvious that this means that all three activities always need to be conducted under the same roof .
5 These three disciplines sometimes relate to the objects of study ( physical , biological , human , etc. ) in the lowly status of ‘ service courses ’ , in which they play a limited functional role ( statistics for social scientists , computing for chemists , languages for management students ) .
6 I would take the opportunity to present a petition to the County Council containing over six thousand signatures strongly object to this development and asking you to use all of your powers to protect this .
7 I wouldn't. ever want to be a princess , ’ Dot sometimes said , because she wanted so much to be one .
8 If you would like to receive the set of 16 pages please write to .
9 The slim week Cut down food for one week then return to the basic plan .
10 The house has two good sized reception rooms on the ground floor with a kitchen extension just behind the first floor we have the bathroom , the rear elevation and two bedrooms also access to the third bedroom which has been converted from the attic .
11 Frederick Campbell , when District Judge at Tangalla , also noted that cattle stealing prosecutions were identical : ‘ For example , no two parties ever happen to be together , and witness the removal of a stolen animal , one sees the removal at one , and another at another place , whilst a third sees the removal of the flesh . ’
12 While the top three or four companies now seem to be in reasonable financial shape it is the medium-sized firms in the top thirty that are feeling the pressure .
13 These two judgements certainly appear to be precisely correct , if we read the script through , concentrating simply on the story line .
14 Two documents written two days apart refer to actions of each family concerning the rights and inheritance of the heirs .
15 But nearly 3 million people already come to the city every year and some argue traditional images attract only the short-term visitor , who spends little and uses Oxford as a colourful bus-stop .
16 Two boys now come to the nursery voluntarily at lunchtimes , and one sixth-former who wants to be a doctor decided , after two months here , to specialise in paediatrics .
17 That is to say , the effects of activating two components together have to be the sum of the effects of activating either in isolation .
18 Two facts probably contribute to this state of affairs : few of the sources of error may be present in the actual rivers surveyed , and most studies involving extrapolated profiles have also considered the terrace evidence so that the old base level was known by other methods .
19 Those are gon na be redirected in here erm as well but it turns out that erm those two types roughly equate to forty out of two thousand which is half a , half a percent ?
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