Example sentences of "[num] [noun] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Raleigh International 's current expedition in Namibia has young volunteers , aged between and 25 , working on eight projects all round the country .
2 d ) The mtDNA/nuc.DNA ratio is 1.5 times higher in the mutant strain than in the wild type .
3 Four minutes later John Fashanu poked home a Wimbledon equaliser after a corner and then Roberts , left dizzy and with a sore head , was led off — to be joined in the dressing room eight minutes later by the limping Ferdinand .
4 Eight months later in the lull after the end of training , Jezrael-Ayesha was summoned to Captain Kandinskaya 's office .
5 FOR US , was a good day out , but planning for the Summer Fayre started about eight months ago for the Summer Fayre committee who held their first meeting last October !
6 The project remains eight months ahead of the committed 72-month programme .
7 They were formed over fifty centuries ago by the Phoenix King Caledor the first at the start of the schism between the High Elves and the Dark Elves .
8 A further severe tremor followed 12 hours later in the same area ( measuring 6.5 ) and others on June 24 around Rasht ( 5.7 ) , together with numerous other aftershocks and tremors on June 24-25 including one in the Farsan region of southern Iran on June 24 ( 4.9 ) .
9 That meant Argentinian shoppers were paying roughly 30 times more for the same basket of goods at the end of 1989 than at the beginning of the year .
10 While Agassi and Sampras , with supreme pre-final confidence , had flown home from Frankfurt after the ATP Finals for a few days of relaxation in Florida before returning to Europe , Noah had taken his squad off to a Swiss tennis resort , where they trained for 6 hours a day , offered themselves for 30 minutes daily to the press for customary grilling and focussed wholly on the task in hand .
11 When they emerged forty minutes later from the second-hand shop she 'd taken him to , he wore a tweed suit , laced boots , a heavy overcoat almost ankle-length , gloves and a trilby hat .
12 Distributing next year 's maintained payment between the two new companies has clearly not been an easy task and question marks must remain over the board 's decision just to split the 1993 payment straight down the middle with the promise that each company will not pay less than 27.5p a share .
13 It was their deep love for the Llŷn landscape , and a desire to keep it protected for future generations , which prompted the three Keating sisters , Honora , Lorna and Eileen , and their eighty-year-old mother to buy Plas-yn-Rhiw and its fifty-eight acres in 1939 ; later they purchased over 300 acres more with the express purpose of giving the land to the trust .
14 His rider , Suzy , missed the piling and soared beyond Seth , landing forty-five feet away from the point of impact in a foetal position .
15 Mr Justice Morrit held that the first payment of £4,000 on 30 January together with the monthly sum of £1,000 by banker 's order was not enough to discharge in full the invoice for January 's work by the accountants , which was £5,307.25 .
16 To demonstrate , he starts some 30 feet away from the actor , Ronald Nitschke , and moves in , hissing obscenities which rise in volume as he transfers to an invented , rasping , jabberwocky German .
17 With the 12 countries already in the toils of a budget renegotiation , it would mean a delay of at least a year before the ambitious plans for monetary and political union could be relaunched .
18 Julian Schwinger and Sin-itiro Tomonaga. was responsible 30 years ago for the development of quantum electrodynamics — the first modern relativistic quantum theory — writes in his autobiography of that period that ‘ the ground of science was littered with the corpses of dead unified theories ’ .
19 One of the first victims of teenage burn-out , she is now confronted with the world of graphite power play wherein the women now hit the ball harder than the men did 30 years ago with the old wooden rackets .
20 The power was last exercised over 30 years ago in the case of Garry Allighan who , having launched the scurrilous accusation that some Members were disclosing confidential business for reward , was discovered to be the sole offender in this respect .
21 Sir David , who first emerged as a television personality 30 years ago in the radical That Was The Week That Was , added : ‘ It really is a great honour , something I never expected , ’ he added .
22 It made me really sick that I had nt listened to the Liverpool Scum match 2 years ago on the radio — instead of watching it on the box .
23 The United Kingdom 's reserves are likely to be empty in forty years even at the current rate of consumption .
24 It has been argued that the mechanism of synaptic reinforcement at work here follows a rule that the psychologist Donald Hebb proposed forty years ago as the neuronal basis of memory : when an input pattern is successful in making a neuron fire , then the synapses that took part in making it fire are strengthened .
25 The best way to see the avocets , enticed back to breed in Britain forty years ago by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds , is by boat .
26 It is in this profoundly grateful and reverent sene , certainly not with any heartless flippancy , that forty years later in the prison stockade Pound greets the sunset as a designer — ‘ grand couturier ’ .
27 It was a simple task to find Moses Downer 's birth registered twenty-one years earlier under the registration district of Fordingbridge , not many miles away just across the Hampshire county boundary .
28 Treatment with corticosteroids was begun in each of these without success , with death occurring 105 and 53 days respectively after the onset of jaundice .
29 ‘ Clinique started 22 years ago on the basis that individuals have unique lifestyles and needs .
30 He says he was told about the Oxford ring 12 years ago by the former MI5 agent , Peter Wright , whose book Spycatcher caused such a stir .
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