Example sentences of "[vb base] off [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To set your foundation and eliminate any shine , pat loose powder lightly all over your face and dust off with a big brush .
2 I sometimes head off to a certain place .
3 Two of London 's top match teams head off on a magic mystery tour this Sunday with the historic London AA Shield as their goal .
4 Top off with a concrete mix to fix the supports securely
5 To subscribe to ELT Journal , simply fill in the form on the back of this leaflet and send it off , with payment , to the address supplied overleaf or send off for a free inspection copy .
6 Make sure that you receive all four issues of the 1993 volume by filling out the form on the back of this leaflet and sending it off , with payment , to the address supplied overleaf , or send off for a free inspection copy .
7 You could tackle the island 's one and only hill south of Es Calo , stop off for a welcome break at El Mirador and as you cool off with an iced drink , take in the panoramic view .
8 At Ullapool the midday early November sun was low in the sky , white gold fanning down into the sea beyond Scoraig peninsula ; An Teallach hid its snow caps , cut off by a cool indigo-grey cloud .
9 Mr Hodge remembered the seas had been very rough as the crew attempted to rescue the couple , who had been surprised and cut off by a fast moving tide at Huntcliff .
10 Rescue services arrived to find the men had abandoned their boat which was sinking and were stranded on rocks cut off by a rising tide .
11 Knit two rows and bind off for a round neck or cast off for a V-neck .
12 CREAMY : Cool off with a Vivoli special
13 If they are unusually anxious or irritated , they may find the noise just too much to deal with and stalk off in a feline sulk rather than squat down for a good meal .
14 Using a wash-down hose , rinse out the oven and then finish off to a fine sparkle with a quick wipe around .
15 The water-based ones are quite easy to apply and dry quickly but they often look patchy afterwards unless you finish off with a water-based varnish instead of the usual oil-based polyurethane .
16 A scumble glaze will give an antique effect ; finish off with a matt or satin varnish .
17 Finish off with a top coat to help prevent chipping and prolong the life of your coloured polish .
18 They will in fact get off to a good start and produce that few more eggs , ( an added bonus ) .
19 With performances over the next couple of seasons helping to decide which club gains promotion to the All-Ireland League set-up , it is vital that clubs get off to a good start .
20 Cowdrey , like the rest of David Gower 's touring party , had already seen the 1984-85 trip get off to a violent start .
21 Planning a new border is always an exciting proposition but before you start , follow Phillippa Lambert 's preparation tips to ensure that your plants get off to a flying start
22 Get off to a flying start with CityLink X70 from Oxford quick , comfortable and direct .
23 CLEVELAND athletes of the future get off to a flying start today with a new course at Cleveland stadium , Middlesbrough .
24 Now I only hope I get off to a winning start with Leeds . ’
25 This is really , really mega-important , because if you get off to a disorganised start then you 'll find it hard to recover .
26 The two men set off down a narrow path which traversed the slope diagonally .
27 Early on an August Saturday morning they set off at a great pace on the west side of the reservoir with the intention of following the ten mile bridleway right round the reservoir to a pub , where they planned to arrive two hours after opening time .
28 Set off at a good pace with the longest stride that is comfortable , letting your arms swing naturally in opposition to your feet .
29 Set off at a good pace , with the longest stride that is comfortable , your arms swinging naturally in opposition to your legs .
30 She extracted him determinedly and set him down on his feet , whereupon he wobbled perilously backwards and forwards , then set off at a tremendous pace across the courtyard , with his mother following , calling apologies back to Caroline as she disappeared from view .
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