Example sentences of "[vb base] never [verb] much [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 dir : Yes , but I 've never given much credence to anecdotal evidence from surgeons .
2 ‘ You 've never done much walking , have you ?
3 ‘ I 've never had much luck here , ’ he said .
4 We 've never had much money in our family .
5 Ergo , I 've never had much trouble in the related department of human behaviour either .
6 It 's easy to say that when you 're 20 and you 've never needed much money .
7 This latter result is only to be expected : the Tories have assiduously cultivated the image of the defender of the ‘ national interest ’ as opposed to the supposed trade union ‘ sectionalism ’ of the Labour Party , and militant ‘ class conscious ’ organisations within the middle classes have never made much headway ( John Gorst 's ‘ Middle Class Association ’ for instance ) .
8 EU has a range of from 6 to 7 and is said to have a rough period of 60 days , though I have never found much evidence of it .
9 In any case , we have never needed much room .
10 Psychologists have never had much success at defining which personality characteristics are inherited in humans and which are not .
11 I have never had much stomach for fighting and I certainly did not relish the prospect of having my head knocked off for a few cigarettes !
12 I have never had much time for the more esoteric confections you find all over the place .
13 Since that day I have never spent much time at the green table and , once I got out into the world of journalism , worked hard at it .
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